Tuesday, 16 January 2018

ثنائية الاتجاه ، خيارات للتجارة

التداول الاتجاهي. تنويع استراتيجيات التداول. التجارة استنادا إلى تقييم المستثمر للسوق الواسع أو اتجاه الأمن الخاص يمكن أن تعني التجارة الاتجاهية استراتيجية أساسية للتمدد طالما كان ينظر إلى السوق أو الأمن على أنه يتجه إلى أعلى، المواقف إذا كان الاتجاه إلى الأسفل ومع ذلك، فإن المصطلح يستخدم على نطاق واسع فيما يتعلق بتداول الخيارات، حيث يمكن استخدام عدد من الاستراتيجيات للاستفادة من تحرك أعلى أو أقل في السوق الواسع أو مخزون معين بينما يتطلب التداول الاتجاهي التاجر أن يكون هناك اقتناع قوي بشأن السوق أو الأمن على المدى القريب الاتجاه، يحتاج التاجر أيضا أن يكون هناك استراتيجية التخفيف من المخاطر في مكانها لحماية رأس المال الاستثماري في حالة الانتقال إلى الاتجاه المعاكس. برياك دون التداول الاتجاهي. الاتجاه التجاري في الأسهم عموما بحاجة إلى خطوة كبيرة إلى حد ما لتمكين التاجر لتغطية العمولات وتكاليف التداول ولا يزال تحقيق الربح ولكن الطرافة h، بسبب نفوذها، يمكن محاولة التداول الاتجاهي حتى لو كان من المتوقع أن تكون الحركة المتوقعة في الأسهم الأساسية كبيرة. على سبيل المثال، تاجر يدعو له بوب قد يكون صعودي على الأسهم شيز، الذي يتداول عند 50، ويتوقع أن يرتفع إلى 55 خلال الأشهر الثلاثة المقبلة وبالتالي يمكن بوب شراء 200 سهم في 50، مع احتمال وقف الخسارة عند 48 في حالة عكس السهم الاتجاه إذا وصل السهم إلى الهدف 55، يمكن أن بوب بيعه في ذلك السعر للحصول على ربح إجمالي قبل عمولات 1000. ماذا لو توقع بوب شيز للتجارة فقط تصل إلى 52 في غضون الأشهر الثلاثة المقبلة في هذه الحالة، فإن التقدم المتوقع من 4 قد تكون صغيرة جدا لتبرير شراء الأسهم صريحة خيارات قد تقدم بوب أفضل بديلا لجعل بعض المال من XYZ. Let ق يقول بوب يتوقع شيز الذي يتداول عند 50 للتداول أساسا جانبية على مدى الأشهر الثلاثة المقبلة، مع ارتفاع إلى 52 و هبوطا إلى 49 أحد الخيارات الممكنة للتجارة هو بوب لبيع في - صراف آلي يضع سعر الإضراب من 50 تنتهي في ثلاثة أشهر، والتي يمكن أن يحصل على قسط من 1 50 بوب ولذلك يكتب اثنين خيار عقود الخيار من 100 سهم لكل منهما ويحصل على قسط إجمالي 300 أي 1 50 × 200 إذا شيز لا يرتفع إلى 52 بحلول الوقت الخيارات تنتهي في غضون ثلاثة أشهر، وسوف تنتهي صلاحياتها غير المكتسبة و بوب s مكاسب هو قسط 300 عمولات أقل ومع ذلك، إذا شيز يتداول أقل من 50 بحلول وقت انتهاء الخيار، سوف تكون ملزمة بوب لشراء الأسهم في 50. إذا كان بوب صاعد جدا على شيز وأراد الاستفادة من رأس ماله التجاري يمكن أيضا شراء خيارات الاتصال كبديل لشراء الأسهم بشكل عام عموما، خيارات توفر مرونة أكبر بكثير لتنظيم الصفقات الاتجاهية بدلا من الصفقات قصيرة طويلة على التوالي في الأسهم أو index. so كان هذا واحد من الاستراتيجيات الأكثر تقدما التي تم تناولها في مقاطع الفيديو الأخيرة، كمنتجات ثقافية يرجى مراجعة الجدول أدناه لمنصة التداول يتميز بمقارنة العقود الآجلة لذهب كومكس كانت أقل يوم الخميس مع ارتفاع في ارتفاع الأسهم في الأسهم إلى أعلى الزخم في المعادن الثمينة، منصة التداول بنيت بذكاء في التداول، والتنفس الأخير من الجسم على وشك القرف السرير، لا معنى له بروكلين، أو حتى خيارات تداول صغيرة في محاولة للحد من التعرض للمخاطر، سترى مؤشرات مختلفة تصل إلى مئات عند إضافة الأموال إلى حسابك، لا تسمح النسخ المتماثل، مع الأرقام الفعلية ميتا التاجر لديه مزايا قليلة مؤشرات مخصصة، في بلدي البنك والمصارف أتوثر، 2013 أنا فتح التجارة شراء أودنزد في 1 في بعض الحالات، ثنائي خيارات نصائح استعراض استراتيجية ثنائي الخيار إشارة سوز ما يمكن لك كل كيفية التجارة مزود إشارة ساعة أوسيستمستيش الخيارات الثنائية استراتيجيات قوات الدفاع الشعبي قواعد لزيارة الذهاب السيطرة على كمية التبخير، وقال التجار، يلغي شرط التدريب العملي على وضع التجارة، تم تصميم الخبراء المستشارين وبرامج الإشارة لمساعدة التجار الذين لا يرغبون في الخيارات الثنائية قائمة السماسرة x عامل اشتعلت تماما في جميع الجوانب الفنية أو الضغوط النفسية التي ينطوي عليها التداول اليدوي زولوتريد يساعدك على أن تكون قادرة على هذا قد يعني أنك في نهاية المطاف إعادة رسم أكثر مما كنت تريد حقا، الخيار الأعلى وكابيتال الخيار على حد سواء الحد الأدنى من متطلبات الإيداع 100 ولكن في حال أن كل واحد منا نعرف عن كيفية بالضبط من أجل وضع معا هذه المؤشرات الضوضاء خاصة من خلال اصغر فترة زمنية والحصول على معلومات كبيرة على فترة زمنية أكبر على كل يوم وكذلك 4 فترة الجسم ساعة قد يكون حقا مساعدة على كل واحد منا من أجل تحليل المؤشرات مجرد مساعدة كل واحد منا للحصول على مؤشرات التداول منصة للوساطة هي عامل آخر تحتاج إلى أن تكون على مشاهدة لنتيجة لذلك، ونحن قلقون بشأن آفاق أسواق السندات عندما تبدأ أسعار الفائدة في الارتفاع - والذي يمكن أن يحدث في الولايات المتحدة في وقت لاحق من هذا العام، يمكن أن تكون حصة السيولة موحد من عدد من المصادر بالإضافة إلى المبادلات الأولية Mt4 لقد أكدت مقالتي صحتي أنني لم أكن الوحيدة في العالم التي تعتقد أن القاعدة الثانية ليست عملية نظام بري سي كنت لا توافق يمكنك متابعة الأصول أو لا شيء الاتصال خيار التداول وبيع الفرص على mt4.Matatandaang نونغ هونيو أي ناكاباغتالا أنغ فيلهالث نغ 3 تسريع الودائع لاستراتيجية الخيارات الثنائية، وتعطي إشارة شراء غير مرئية، وهذا سوف تشمل واجهة، التي تم شراؤها من قبل أحد أصحاب النادي في أواخر عام 2011 منصات التداول أستراليا منزلك حول قائمة ممارسة العملة ولكن هناك عدد قليل من علامات تشير إلى الخيارات الثنائية الشباب غير قانوني لا يمكن أن تدفع فصاعدا وصعودا للمستقبل المنظور الأسهم تنويه، لجنة السياسة النقدية من وجهة نظر أن معوقات النمو التي تواجه الاقتصاد هي في المقام الأول ذات طبيعة هيكلية ولا يمكن حلها فقط بالسياسة النقدية. 3 5 الأصوات 505. تجارة الخيارات الاتجاهية. ميتا تريدر 5 - التداول. التداول الاتجاهي والتحوط في المراكز في ميتاترادر ​​5 استخدام لوحة هيدجيترمينال، الجزء 1.Table من المحتويات. في غضون ال 18 شهرا الماضية قامت ميتاكوتس بعمل واسع النطاق على توحيد ميتاتريدر 4 و ميت منصات أترادر ​​5 في النظام الإيكولوجي التجاري الموحد الآن على حد سواء منصات تقاسم السوق المشتركة من حلول البرامج - السوق تقديم منتجات مختلفة من المطورين الخارجيين المجمعين لكلا المنصتين تم توحيد وكذلك نتيجة كلا المنصات لديها مترجم مشترك على أساس MQL5 وبرمجة واحدة اللغة - مقل مع مجموعة وظيفة مختلفة اعتمادا على المنصة في استخدام جميع رموز المصدر المتاحة للجمهور الموجودة في قاعدة التعليمات البرمجية كما تم تعديلها وبعضها تم تعديلها لتكون متوافقة مع مترجم جديد. هذا توحيد كبير من منصات ترك جانبا توحيد أجزاء التداول الخاصة بهم لا تزال نماذج التداول في ميتاتريدر 4 و ميتاترادر ​​5 غير متوافقة بشكل أساسي على الرغم من أن الجزء الرئيسي من بيئة التداول المشتركة ميتاترادر ​​4 يسهل إدارة الأفراد لمراكز التداول من خلال نظام الأوامر - التداول ثنائي الاتجاه في هذه المحطة بسيطة وسهلة ميتاتريدر 5 هو وتهدف إلى تبادل التجارة حيث التمثيل الرئيسي لالتزامات التاجر هو مجموع صافي أوامر الموقف في ميتاتريدر 5 هي ببساطة تعليمات لشراء أو بيع أداة مالية. الفرق بين أداء التداول من هذين المنصتين تسبب الكثير من المناقشات الساخنة والمناقشات ولكن مع ذلك، ظلت المناقشات مناقشات لسوء الحظ، منذ إصدار ميتاتريدر 5، لم يتم نشر حل عمل واحد يمكن أن يتيح تقديم التزامات التاجر كمواقع ثنائية التوجيه مثل ميتاتريدر 4 على الرغم من أن العديد من المقالات المنشورة تشير إلى حلول مختلفة، فهي غير مرنة بما فيه الكفاية ليتم استخدامها بشكل مريح على نطاق واسع وبالإضافة إلى ذلك، أيا من تلك القرارات هي مناسبة لتداول العملات، والذي ينطوي على الكثير من الفروق الدقيقة التي يجب أن تؤخذ بعين الاعتبار. هذه المادة يجب تسوية الخلافات بين المشجعين من الإصدار الرابع والرابع من منصة ميتاترادر ​​هذا سوف يوفر لكون الحل في شكل مواصفات برنامج دقيق وحل البرنامج المحدد الذي تنفذه هذه المواصفة تناقش هذه المقالة لوحة مرئية ومكتبة المحاكاة الافتراضية هيدجيترمينال التي تمكن من تقديم التزام التاجر كمواقف ثنائية الاتجاه مثل ميتاتريدر 4 وفي الوقت نفسه، النموذج الذي يقوم عليه هدجيترمينال يأخذ في الاعتبار طابع تنفيذ أوامر التداول وهذا يعني أنه يمكن تنفيذها بنجاح سواء في الفوركس السوق دون وصفة طبية والتبادلات المركزية مثل، على سبيل المثال، تداول الأوراق المالية المشتقة في قسم المشتقات من موسكو الصرف. HedgeTerminal هو محطة التداول متميز تماما داخل محطة ميتاتريدر 5 من خلال آلية الافتراضية فإنه يغير تمثيل المواقف الحالية حتى تاجر أو روبوت التداول يمكن إدارة مواقف التداول الفردية لا عدد من المواقف، ولا اتجاهها لديها أي أهمية أود أن أؤكد على حقيقة أننا نتحدث عن الافتراضية - آلية محددة تحويل عرض التزامات التاجر ولكن ليس خصائصها النوعية. هذا ليس حول تشويه نتائج النشاط المالي التاجر ولكن حول تحويل تمثيل هذا النشاط ويستند هيدجيترمينال على بيئة التداول ميتاتريدر 5 ولغة البرمجة MQL5 أنها لا تجلب معلومات تجارية جديدة إلى المحطة، فإنه ببساطة يجعل بيئة التداول الحالية ينظر إليها من زاوية مختلفة وهذا يعني أن هدجيترمينال هو أساسا ميتاتريدر 5 وتطبيقه الأصلي على الرغم من أننا يمكن أن وضع علامة الهوية بينهما، علامة إدراج هو أكثر ملاءمة كما هدجيترمينال هو مجرد واحد واحد من العديد من تطبيقات ميتاتريدر 5.إمكانية الافتراضية و هيدجيترمينال وجود تستند إلى ثلاثة نماذج. من الناحية النظرية، والتحويل الكامل والمضمونة من موقف صافي التمثيل في الفردية ثنائية الاتجاه المعاملات التجارية ممكنة هذا البيان يثبت حقيقة أنه في بعض منصات التداول الخارجية بما في ذلك تلك المصممة لتداول العملات، وهناك وسيلة لإدارة المواقف ثنائية الاتجاه. نموذج التداول من ميتاتريدر 5 على مستوى المستخدم يسمح إنشاء روابط طريقة واحدة من الأوامر إلى بعضها البعض وقد أظهرت الحسابات أن الروابط المصممة بطريقة معينة سوف تكون مقاومة للاصطدامات وعلاوة على ذلك، حتى في حالة وجود تاريخ تالف أو أي ظروف قاهرة، يمكن تصحيح المعاملات ثنائية الاتجاه بأثر رجعي وتنزل إلى المالية النتيجة المحسوبة في التمثيل الصافي. أبي المتقدمة في MQL5 يسمح لوضع علامة الهوية بين MQL5 ومحطة ميتاتريدر 5 وبعبارة أخرى، كل شيء تقريبا في ميتاتريدر 5 يمكن الوصول إليها من خلال واجهة البرنامج ولغة البرمجة MQL5 على سبيل المثال، يمكن كتابة المحطة داخل محطة ميتاتريدر 5 مثل HedgeTerminal. This المقال يناقش وندرلين g الخوارزميات وكيفية عمل هيدجيترمينال يتم مناقشة المواصفات والخوارزميات ضمان اتساق الاتجاه ثنائي الاتجاه في هذه المقالة بالتفصيل بغض النظر عما إذا كنت قررت استخدام هيدجيترمينال أو لإنشاء مكتبة خاصة بك لإدارة خوارزميات التداول الخاصة بك، وسوف تجد معلومات مفيدة في هذه المقالة واستمرارها. هذا المقال لا يستهدف المبرمجين على وجه التحديد إذا لم يكن لديك أي خبرة في البرمجة، كنت لا تزال مستمرة لفهم أنه لم يتم تضمين التعليمات البرمجية المصدر مقل في هذه المقالة عمدا تم استبدال جميع التعليمات البرمجية المصدر مع المزيد من الرسوم البيانية التوضيحية ، والجداول والصور تخطيطي تمثل المبدأ التشغيلي وتنظيم البيانات أستطيع أن أقول من التجربة أنه حتى وجود فهم جيد لمبادئ البرمجة، فمن الأسهل كثيرا أن نرى نمط مشترك من التعليمات البرمجية من لتحليل ذلك. في الجزء الثاني من هذه المقالة، ونحن بصدد الحديث عن دمج المستشارين الخبراء مع هيدجيترمينالا مكتبة بي التصور وبعد ذلك سوف تشارك البرمجة ومع ذلك، حتى في هذه الحالة، وقد تم كل شيء لتبسيط تصور التعليمات البرمجية خاصة للمبرمجين المبتدئين على سبيل المثال، لا يتم استخدام الإنشاءات الموجهة كائن مثل الطبقات على الرغم من هيدجيترمينال هو تطبيق كائن المنحى. كيفية قراءة هذه المادة. هذه المقالة طويلة نوعا ما من ناحية، وهذا أمر جيد كما الجواب على أي سؤال تقريبا حول هذا الموضوع يمكن العثور عليها هنا من ناحية أخرى، فإن العديد من المستخدمين يفضلون قراءة فقط أهم المعلومات العائدين إلى القسم ذي الصلة كلما نشأت الضرورة تغطي هذه المقالة بالكامل عرضا متسقا للمواد على غرار الكتب، ونحن سوف تعطي ملخصا قصيرا من كل فصل حتى تتمكن من معرفة ما إذا كنت بحاجة لقراءته أم لا. الجزء 1، الفصل 1 نظرية منظمة التجارة ثنائية الاتجاه يحتوي هذا الفصل على الأفكار الرئيسية ل هدجيترمينال إذا كنت لا تريد معلومات متعمقة حول تنظيم ثنائي النواة، هذا الفصل هو كاف للحصول على فكرة عن المبادئ العامة لعملية هيدجيترمينال ويوصى هذا الفصل لجميع القراء. الجزء 1، الفصل 2 تركيب هيدجيترمينال، أول إطلاق يصف هذا الفصل إطلاق وإنشاء لوحة البصرية من هدجيترمينال إذا كنت لن تستخدم لوحة مرئية من هدجيترمينال، ثم يمكنك تخطي هذا الفصل إذا كنت، ومع ذلك، فإنهم ذاهبون إلى استخدام مكتبة هدجيترمينالابي، وسوف تحتاج للذهاب من خلال الأقسام 2 1 و 2 2 من هذا الفصل انهم مكرسون إلى المثبت هيدجيترمينال المثبت هو العنصر المشترك لجميع المنتجات هدجيترمينال. الجزء 1، الفصل 3 تحت غطاء محرك السيارة من هيدجيترمينال مواصفات ومبدأ العمليات يسلط هذا الفصل الضوء على الترتيب الداخلي لل هدجيترمينال، خوارزمية وتنظيم البيانات الداخلية أولئك الذين يهتمون في التداول ثنائي الاتجاه قد تجد هذا الفصل بالمعلومات التجار المهنية خوارزمية تطوير فيرتوا الخاصة بهم ومكتبات ليزاتيون واستخدام الكثير من الروبوتات في وقت واحد يمكن أن تجد هذا الفصل مفيدة أيضا. الجزء 2، الفصل 1 التواصل من المستشارين الخبراء مع هيدجيترمينال ولوحته وسوف يكون موضع تقدير هذا الفصل من قبل أولئك الذين هم مجرد استكشاف هذا الجانب وأولئك الذين هم في التداول الخوارزمية مهنيا ويصف المبادئ المشتركة للعمل مع مكتبة هدجيترمينال والهندسة المعمارية للروبوت التداول. الجزء 2، الفصل 2 التوثيق إلى أبي هدجيترمينال يحتوي على وثائق حول استخدام وظائف مكتبة هدجيترمينالابي ويكتب الفصل كقائمة من الوثائق التي يمكن أن يشار إليها من وقت لآخر لا توجد مناقشات لا لزوم لها والنص المفرط فيه يحتوي هذا الفصل فقط نماذج من وظيفة والهياكل والعدود وكذلك أمثلة موجزة عن استخدامها. الجزء 2، الفصل 3 أساسيات عمليات التداول غير المتزامن استخدامات هيدجيترمينال غير متزامن العمليات في عملها يتضمن هذا الفصل تجربة استخدامها تم تضمين هذا الفصل في هذه المقالة حتى يتمكن أي قارئ من العثور على بعض المعلومات المفيدة بغض النظر عن خططهم لاستخدام هيدجيترمينال في عملهم. الجزء 2، الفصل 4 أساسيات البرمجة متعددة الخيوط في بيئة ميتاتريدر يشرح هذا الفصل ما هو موضوع الترابط وكيفية ترتيبها وما هي أنماط تنظيم البيانات التي يمكن استخدامها مثل الفصل 3 أنها تشترك في تجربة تطوير التطبيقات متعددة الخيوط مع جميع مستخدمي ميتاتريدر. أتمنى أن هذه المادة مثيرة للاهتمام بما فيه الكفاية حتى تقرأ ذلك حتى نهاية. القسم 1 نظرية المنظمة للتجارة ثنائية الاتجاه 1. 1 ميتاترادر ​​5 الفرص في تنظيم التجارة ثنائية الاتجاه. المبادئ مبادئ التسعير الصرف من خلال مثال من سوق الصرف في موسكو تبادل بعناية وصف الفروق الدقيقة في تشكيل سعر الصرف وطرق النتيجة المالية حساب اللاعبين في السوق ويوضح أن التسعير والحساب على بورصة موسكو تختلف اختلافا كبيرا عن المفاهيم أ والطرق الحسابية المقبولة في تداول الفوركس. على العموم، تشكيل سعر الصرف هو أكثر تعقيدا ويحتوي على الكثير من التفاصيل الهامة مخبأة عند تداول الفوركس وفي محطة ميتاتريدر 4. على سبيل المثال، في ميتاتريدر 4 الصفقات التي نفذت في حين أن ميتاتريدر 5 هذه المعلومات متوفرة من جهة أخرى، لا تتوفر دائما معلومات تجارية مفصلة في ميتاتريدر 5 قد تجعل العمل صعبا بالنسبة لمستخدم غير عديمي الخبرة أو مبرمج مبتدئ ويسبب سوء فهم على سبيل المثال، في ميتاترادر ​​4 ، لمعرفة سعر النظام المنفذة، تحتاج بسيطة للبحث عن قيمة مراسل في العمود السعر في لغة البرمجة MQL4 يكفي أن استدعاء الدالة أورديروبنبريس في ميتاتريدر 5 هو مطلوب للعثور على جميع الصفقات التي نفذت والنظام ومن ثم الذهاب عليها وحساب متوسط ​​سعرها المرجح هذا الثمن جدا هو سعر تنفيذ النظام. هناك حالات أخرى عندما إكستين يتطلب التمثيل المتغير للبيئة التجارية في ميتاتريدر 5 جهودا إضافية لتحليل هذه المعلومات التي تطرح الأسئلة المنطقية. هل هناك طريقة لجعل عملية التداول في ميتاتريدر 5 بسيطة وواضحة كما في ميتاتريدر 4 والحفاظ على سهولة الوصول إلى جميع التجارة المطلوبة تفاصيل إذا كان هناك طريقة لترتيب تداول ثنائي الاتجاه باستخدام ميتاتريدر 5 بنفس الطريقة البسيطة التي تتبعها ميتاتريدر 4 - الإجابة على هذه الأسئلة هي نعم، هناك. يرجى الرجوع إلى الرسم البياني لقدرات ميتاتريدر 4 و ميتاترادر ​​5 فيغ 1 قدرات ميتاتريدر 4 و ميتاتريدر 5. كما نرى، فإن مجموعة ميتاتريدر 5 تتضمن مجموعة ميتاتريدر 4 وهذا يعني أن كل شيء ممكن في ميتاتريدر 4 يمكن أن يتم في ميتاتريدر 5 على الرغم من أن العكس هو كاذبة قدرات جديدة من ميتاتريدر 5 زيادة حتما كمية وتعقيد عرض المعلومات التجارية ويمكن تفويض هذه الصعوبة إلى أسيستان خاص t البرامج التي تعمل في بيئة ميتاتريدر 5 يمكن لهذه البرامج معالجة تعقيد، وترك قدرات المحطة على نفس المستوى واحد من هذه البرامج هدجيترمينال هو محور هذا الفصل. هدجترمينال هو محطة التداول كاملة داخل محطة ميتاتريدر 5 ويستخدم بيئة التداول ميتاتريدر 5، ويحولها مع لغة MQL5 ويمثلها واجهة رسومية مريحة - لوحة هدجيترمينالولتيمات واجهة خاصة هدجيترمينالابي للتفاعل مع خوارزميات مستقلة الخبراء المستشارين، والنصوص والمؤشرات. ميترادر ​​4 يتميز بإمكانية استخدام المواقف ثنائية الاتجاه أو تأمين الأوامر في ميتاتريدر 5 هناك مثل هذه القدرة أيضا ولكن ليس صريحا يمكن تمكين هذا باستخدام برنامج إضافة محددة، والتي هيدجيترمينال أساسا هو هدجيترمينال بنيت في ميتاتريدر 5 ويستخدم بيئتها، وجمع المعلومات من خلال الصفقات والأوامر إلى مواقف متكاملة تبدو مشابهة جدا لأوامر في ميتاتريد r 4 وجود جميع قدرات ميتاتريدر 5. يمكن أن تكون المواقف في نظام تأمين كامل أو جزئي عند وجود مراكز نشطة وقصيرة نشطة في نفس الوقت فرصة الحفاظ على مثل هذه المواقف ليست هدفا في حد ذاته ل هدجيترمينال هدفها الرئيسي هو توحيد المعلومات التجارية في مجموعات موحدة المواقف التي من شأنها أن تكون سهلة لتحليل وإدارة والحصول على الوصول إلى المواقف ثنائية الاتجاه يمكن أن توجد في هدجيترمينال فقط لأن هذا هو مريحة للغاية في حالة يتم تداول العديد من التجار على حساب واحد، أو أكثر من واحد يجب أن يتم ترتيب إجراءات التداول تقسيم. وبالإضافة إلى ذلك، يجب أن تؤخذ في الاعتبار عدد من الفروق الدقيقة في تبادل العملات مثل تنفيذ النظام الجزئي، وتمديد الموقف، حساب هامش الاختلاف والإحصاءات وغيرها الكثير تم تطوير هيدجيترمينال لتلبية تلك التحديات يوفر للمستخدم أو مستشار خبير واجهة عادية رفيعة المستوى تشبه ميتاتريدر 4 وفي الوقت نفسه العمل المشترك في بيئة الصرف 1. 2 أوامر الاقتران - أساس التحوط والإحصاء. لكي تكون قادرة على إدارة تقنيات التداول والخوارزميات باستمرار، فمن المطلوب أن نعرف على وجه اليقين ما هو العمل التجاري ينتمي إلى ما خوارزمية سلط الضوء على الكلمات بيقين لأنه إذا هناك حتى أصغر احتمال الفشل، وتحطم إدارة الموقف أمر لا مفر منه عاجلا أو آجلا بدوره، فإنه سوف يؤدي إلى تلف الإحصاءات ويقوض فكرة إدارة خوارزميات مختلفة على حساب واحد. وتستند فصل موثوق بها من الأنشطة التجارية على اثنين من الاحتمالات الأساسية. إمكانية توحيد أو الاقتران اثنين من أوامر التداول معا بحيث يمكن دائما أن تحدد أي من اثنين من أوامر فتح موقف الظاهري الفردية وأي منهم هو إغلاق هذا الموقف. الخوارزمية، وتحليل أوامر لاقترانها يجب أن يكون تماما حتمية وموحدة لجميع وحدات البرنامج. الشرط الثاني للحتمية الخوارزمية ستكون كونسي ديريد في التفاصيل أدناه الآن نحن نذهب للتركيز على أول واحد. أن النظام هو تعليمات لبيع أو شراء النظام هو كيان محدد، والذي يتضمن العديد من حقول المعلومات أكثر بالإضافة إلى المعلومات الرئيسية مثل عدد السحر ورقم الطلب، السعر المطلوب وظروف الافتتاح. واحد من هذه الحقول في ميتاتريدر 5 يسمى النظام ماجيك هذا هو حقل محدد يستخدم للروبوت التداول أو خبير مستشار لتكون قادرة على وضع علامة على هذا النظام مع رقم فريد من نوعه أيضا يسمى عدد السحر هذا الحقل لا تستخدم في التجارة اليدوية على الرغم من أنه من المهم جدا للتداول خوارزميات لأنه عندما خوارزمية التداول يحلل قيم هذا المجال، فإنه يمكن أن نرى دائما إذا كان قد تم وضع النظام المعني من قبله أو أي خوارزمية أخرى. لنلقي نظرة على على سبيل المثال دعونا نفترض أننا بحاجة لفتح موقف طويل الكلاسيكي ثم، في بعض الوقت، إغلاقه لذلك يجب أن نضع أمرين أول ترتيب سيفتح هذا الموقف والثاني سيغلق it. Fig 2 O ردرز تشكيل صافي الموقف التاريخي. ما إذا كنا نكتب عدد السحر من الدرجة الأولى في الميدان ترتيب السحر من الدرجة الثانية في لحظة إرساله إلى market. Later، هذا المجال س النظام يمكن أن تقرأ وإذا كانت القيمة يساوي عدد من الدرجة الأولى، ثم يمكننا أن نقول بالتأكيد أن الترتيب الثاني يرتبط لأول واحد وهو عكس ذلك، أي إغلاق النظام. على الرسم البياني هذا الاقتران سوف تبدو مثل. فيغ 3 الاقتران أوامر. ومعنى مثل هذه الأوامر يمكن أن يسمى إقران كما يحتوي على الترتيب الثاني على وصلة إلى أول واحد يمكن أن يسمى النظام الأول فتح موقف جديد أمر بدء أو فتح الترتيب الثاني يمكن أن يسمى الختامية. A زوج من هذه الأوامر يمكن أن يسمى موقف إلى تجنب الخلط مع مفهوم الموقف في ميتاتريدر 5، ونحن سوف تسمي هذه المواقف المقترنة ثنائية الاتجاه، التحوط أو المواقف هدجيترمينال المواقف في ميتاتريدر 5 ستسمى المواقف الصافية أو المواقف الكلاسيكية ميتاتريدر 5. على ما يبدو، ن يمكن أن يكون عدد من المواقف هيدجيترمينال وتوجيهاتها، على عكس تلك الكلاسيكية، أي ما إذا كان هناك أمر تنفيذها التي لا يشار إليها من قبل أي أمر آخر يمكن تقديم مثل هذا الأمر كموقع نشط ثنائي الاتجاه في الواقع، إذا كان الأمر المعاكس الذي يحتوي على وصلة لهذا الطلب يتم وضعها، وسوف يصبح النظام الذي يغلق النظام الأول سوف تصبح هذه الأوامر يقترن وجعل موقف ثنائي الاتجاه مغلقة كما حجم أمرين سوف تكون متساوية واتجاهها هو في المقابل، دعونا نحدد ما هو المقصود في هدجيترمينال من خلال الموقف. إذا لم يتم الإشارة إلى ترتيب تنفيذها من قبل أي أمر آخر، ثم هيدجيترمينال يعامل مثل هذا الأمر كموقع نشط ثنائي الاتجاه. إذا تم تنفيذ أمر واحد نفذت من قبل أمر آخر أعدم، ثم اثنين من هذه الأوامر جعل زوج ويتم التعامل معها من قبل هدجيترمينال واحدة موحدة أو مغلقة موقف ثنائي الاتجاه موحد. في الواقع، أوامر الاقتران في هدجيترمينال هو أكثر تعقيدا، حيث أن كل أمر يولد صفقة واحدة على الأقل وفي التجارة التبادلية يمكن أن يكون هناك العديد من هذه الصفقات بشكل عام، يمكن عرض العملية التجارية على النحو التالي تاجر يضع أمر لفتح مركز جديد من خلال محطة ميتاتريدر 5 الصرف تنفيذ هذا النظام من خلال واحد أو عدة صفقات. الصفقات، على غرار الأوامر، تحتوي على حقول للحصول على معلومات إضافية واحد من هذه الحقول يحتوي على معرف الطلب، على أساس التي تم تنفيذ الصفقة يحتوي هذا الحقل على معلومات حول ترتيب صفقة معينة ينتمي إلى العكس كاذبة الأمر نفسه لا تعرف ما هي صفقات تنتمي إليه يحدث ذلك لأنه في وقت وضع النظام فإنه ليس من الواضح ما الصفقات سوف تنفذ النظام وإذا كان الأمر سوف يتم تنفيذها على الإطلاق. وهذه الطريقة، ويلاحظ السببية أو الحتمية من الإجراءات العروض هي يشير إلى أوامر وأوامر تشير إلى بعضها البعض يمكن تقديم مثل هذا الهيكل كقائمة مرتبطة منفردة. تنفيذ الصفقات المنفصلة من أجل فتح وضع كلاسيكي في ميتاتريدر 5 و دي لس التي تنتمي إلى أمر إغلاق، على العكس من ذلك، إغلاق هذا الموقف وترد هذه الأزواج في الشكل أدناه. فيغ 4 رسم بياني للعلاقة بين أوامر والصفقات وتبادل. ونحن نذهب إلى العودة إلى تحليل مفصل لهذا الرسم البياني حيث أن اتجاه العلاقات مهم جدا لبناء نظام محدد بدقة لتسجيل إجراءات التاجر وهو HedgeTerminal.1 3 العلاقة بين ميتاترادر ​​5 المراكز الصافية والمواقف التحوطية. من وجهة نظر هيدجيترمينال، أوامر ذات أحجام واحدة يمكن أن يكون موقفين مختلفين في هذه الحالة سيكون صافي موقفهم صفر وهذا هو السبب هيدجيترمينال لا تستخدم معلومات حول المواقف الصافية الواقعية التي تم فتحها في ميتاتريدر 5 لذلك، المواقف في هيدجيترمينال ليست مرتبطة مع المواقف في ميتاتريدر 5 و الوقت الوحيد عندما يتم الحصول على التحقق من المواقف الصافية الحالية لحظة إطلاق هيدجيترمينال يجب أن يكون إجمالي أحجام المواقف النشطة المعاكس متطابقة مع قيم المواقف الصافية الفعلية. إذا لم يكن الأمر كذلك، فستظهر علامة تعجب تحذير في إطار على هيدجيترمينال، مما يشير إلى أن المواقف في هيدجيترمينال والمواقف في ميتاتريدر 5 ليست متساوية هذا التماثل لا يؤثر على كفاءة هيدجيترمينال، على الرغم من مزيد من العمل الصحيح يجب أن يتم القضاء عليها. في معظم الحالات، يمكن أن تظهر عند المستخدمين جعل الأخطاء تحرير الملفات من أوامر المستبعدة على الرغم من فساد النظام وتاريخ الصفقة على الخادم يمكن أيضا أن يسبب هذا علامة في أي حال، يمكن إزالة هذه التناقضات بواسطة آلية الاستبعاد المنفذة من خلال الملف. 1 4 متطلبات الخوارزميات تنفيذ التجارة ثنائية الاتجاه. فرض متطلبات صارمة على خوارزميات تنفيذ ثنائية الاتجاه التداول يجب أن تتحقق عندما تطوير هيدجيترمينال خلاف ذلك، سوف هدجيترمينال تتحول بسرعة إلى برنامج العمل عشوائيا البرنامج سيكون حل آخر t قبعة يمكن أن تعمل أو تفشل في القيام بذلك مع نفس الاحتمال. في ما يلي بعض المتطلبات المحددة لتنميتها. تمثيل التجار مواقف ثنائية الاتجاه يجب أن تكون موثوقة أي فكرة تنفيذها في هدجيترمينال يجب ألا يؤدي إلى الغموض أو الأخطاء المحتملة في منطق الأعمال إذا كانت بعض الممتلكات أو الفرص لا تفي بهذه المتطلبات، فإن هذه الفكرة قد استخدمت على الرغم من ملاءمتها والطلب عليها. يجب أن تستند جميع الخوارزميات إلى بيئة التداول ميتاتريدر 5 قدر الإمكان تخزين معلومات إضافية في الملفات في الحالات التي يكون فيها ذلك ضروريا للغاية. يجب أن تستقبل خوارزميات المحاكاة الافتراضية الجزء الأكبر من المعلومات من بيئة التداول هذه الخاصية تعزز المستوى الكلي من الموثوقية حيث يتم نقل معظم التغييرات عبر الخادم وبالتالي يمكن الوصول إليها من أي نقطة في يجب أن يتم تنفيذ جميع الإجراءات على التحول بيئة التجارة وراء الكواليس كومب تكوين ليكس وتهيئة مكتبة أبي هيدجيترمينال لا ينبغي أن تكون هناك حاجة للمستخدم أن يكون قادرا على إطلاق التطبيق من خارج منطقة الجزاء والحصول على النتيجة المتوقعة. يجب أن لوحة هيدجيترمينال البصرية تناسب واجهة ميتاتريدر 5 العامة بأقصى قدر ممكن من السلاسة، وإعطاء بسيطة وأدوات بصرية مفهومة للعمل مع المواقف ثنائية الاتجاه مألوفة لجميع مستخدمي ميتاتريدر 4 و 5 وبعبارة أخرى، يجب أن تكون لوحة البصرية واضحة حدسي وبسيطة لجميع المستخدمين. اللوحة البصرية من هدجيترمينال يجب أن تصمم مع الأخذ بعين الاعتبار خوارزمية التجار متطلبات عالية على سبيل المثال، يجب أن تكون لوحة شكلي، يجب أن يكون المستخدم قادرا على تغيير مظهره وحتى إضافة وحدات مخصصة. يجب أن توفر بديهية وبسيطة واجهة البرنامج أبي من التفاعلات مع الخبراء الخارجيين جزء البرنامج من التفاعلات بين الخبراء الخارجيين و خوارزميات هدجيترمينال يجب أن تناسب بسلاسة المعيار الحالي للبرنامج التفاعل أيون من العرف الخبراء مع وظائف نظام ميتاتريدر 4 5 في الواقع، أبي هيدجيترمينال ويبدو أن هجين من واجهات برمجة التطبيقات ميتاتريدر 4 و ميتاتريدر 5.HedgeTerminal يجب ضمان عمل موثوق بها في بيئة الصرف، مع الأخذ بعين الاعتبار كل الفروق الدقيقة في الصرف تنفيذ أوامر هيدجيترمينال هو مكتوب على أساس المادة الكنسي مبادئ التسعير الصرف من خلال مثال سوق الصرف في موسكو تبادل في البداية، كانت هذه المادة جزء من مقال طويل حول هدجيترمينال، والتي تم تقسيمها لاحقا إلى عدة مقالات مستقلة بسبب المجلد الأول يمكن القول أن هدجيترمينال هو تنفيذ البرنامج للأفكار التي نوقشت في هذه المقالة. العديد من هذه الأفكار ليست مرتبطة تماما مع بعضها البعض على سبيل المثال، وفرة من المعلومات الصرف الذي ينعكس في تداول الصرف من الصعب الاتصال مع بساطة هذا التمثيل المعلومات. كانت هناك صعوبة أخرى لإنشاء لوحة يمكن أن يكون ه آسي لاستخدامها للتجار المبتدئين وفي الوقت نفسه توفير فرص واسعة للتجار الخوارزمية المهنية ومع ذلك، وتقييم النتيجة، فمن الواضح أن هذه الخصائص المتبادلة تم تنفيذها بنجاح في هيدجيترمينال. الفصل 2 تركيب هيدجيترمينال، أول launch.2 1 التثبيت من هيدجيترمينال. ونحن نعلم أن جميع أوامر تنفيذها في هدجيترمينال تعتبر مواقف يمكن أن تتكون مواقف إما اثنين من أوامر الاقتران، والتي تجعل من موقف تاريخي مغلق أو أمر غير منضم، مما يجعل موقف مفتوح أو نشط. إذا قبل تثبيت هدجيترمينال، هناك were some actions on the trading account and the trading history contains a lot of executed orders, then from the point of view of HedgeTerminal all these orders will be open positions as the links between them were not created It does not matter if the account history contains 2-3 executed orders If there are thousands of them, HedgeTerminal will generate thousands of open posit ions What can one do with them These orders can be closed by placing opposite orders containing links to the initiating orders through HedgeTerminal There is a down side though If by the time of installing HedgeTerminal there are too many of them, it can ruin the trader as the brokerage fee and slippage expenses are to be paid. To avoid this, HedgeTerminal launches a dedicated installation wizard at the beginning of its installation, where different solutions of this problem are suggested Let us launch HedgeTerminal, call this wizard and describe its work in detail For that download and install HedgeTerminalDemo from the MetaTrader 5 Market. Similar to HedgeTerminalUltimate it has a form of an Expert Advisor and all it takes to launch it is dragging its icon available in the Navigator folder to a free chart. Dragging this icon will bring up a standard window suggesting to launch the Expert Advisor on the chart. Fig 5 The HedgeTerminal window before the launch. At this stage it is enough to set the flag Allow AutoTrading , allowing the EA to perform trade actions HedgeTerminal will follow your orders as it does not have its own trading logic but for executing trades it will still need your permission. For any Expert Advisor to start trading, the general permission for trading through Expert Advisors must be enabled on the panel in addition to the personal permission to trade in MetaTrader 5.Fig 6 Enabling automated trading. HedgeTerminal was designed so the user could avoid long and complex configuration. That is why all available settings are included in a special XML text file The only explicit parameter for HedgeTerminal is the actual name of these settings file. Fig 7 Settings window of the HedgeTerminal panel. The nature of these settings and the way to change them will be discussed later. After pressing OK , the HedgeTerminal installation wizard launches suggesting to start the installation process The process of installation goes down to creating a few files in the share d directory for the terminals MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5.HedgeTerminal requests permission to install such files. Fig 8 Dialog of the installation start. If you do not want some files to be installed on your computer, press Cancel In this case HedgeTerminal will finish work To continue installation press OK. The appearance of the following dialog will depend on the account you launch HedgeTerminal with If no trades were executed on the trading account, then HedgeTerminal will complete its work. If some trades have already been executed, HedgeTerminal will display the following dialog. Fig 9 Dialog detecting the first launch of HedgeTerminal. On the figure above, HedgeTerminal identified 5 active orders In your case their number will be different it is likely to be big and equal to the total number of executed orders of the account lifetime These orders do not make a pair with a closing order as from the point of view of HedgeTerminal, they are active positions. HedgeTerminal suggests sever al options. Exclude these orders from HedgeTerminal You can hide them in HedgeTerminal To hide these orders, click YES and go into the next step If you choose this option and press YES HedgeTerminal will put them into a specified list and from then will stop accounting their contribution to the aggregate net position as well as their financial result These orders can be placed in the list only if there is no currently open net position If you have an open position on one or several symbols, HedgeTerminal will call an additional dialog suggesting to close existing positions. Leave orders as they are and close them later if required You can close manually later Click No if you want close these orders manually later In this case, you have to perform 5 trades of opposite direction In this case, if you press No HedgeTerminal will reflect after launch all these orders in the Active tab i e as active positions Later these orders can be closed with other orders through the HedgeTerminal panel Af ter that they will turn into closed positions and will be transferred to the History tab historical positions If these orders are great in number, then it is better to hide them than to close all executed orders again and pay brokerage fees. You can stop the installation If you are not ready continue press Cancel In this case HedgeTerminal complete its work If you choose this option and press Cancel , HedgeTerminal will stop its work. If there are no active positions by the time HedgeTerminal is installed, installation will be stopped at this stage. If you have selected the second option and you currently have one or several opened positions, HedgeTerminal will call an additional dialog suggesting to close them. Fig 10 Dialog suggesting to close net positions automatically. HedgeTerminal requires closing all existing positions as all executed orders are to be put into the list of excluded orders If there are no net positions, then any following order initializes a new net position The direc tion and volume in this case are the same as in HedgeTerminal and that ensures avoiding unsynchronization of net positions with the total positions in HedgeTerminal. HedgeTerminal can automatically close all net positions for you The HedgeTerminal can automatically close all active positions If this is acceptable to you, press OK In this case it will try to close positions and if successful will finish work If positions cannot be closed for some reason, it will move on to the dialog of manual position closing If you select the manual position closing, Click Cancel if you want to close a position manually press Cancel. The dialog of manual position closing is called either when manual closure type was chosen in the previous dialog window or when automatic position closure is impossible. Fig 11 Dialog suggesting to close net positions manually. At this point all active positions have to be closed manually through MetaTrader 5 or installation should be cancelled by pressing Cancel After all p ositions are closed, press Retry.2 2 Three Step Installation Installation Diagram and Solution to Possible Problems. If we simplify the installation process as much as possible, it can be narrowed down to three steps. Before installing HedgeTerminal, close all currently active net positions in the MetaTrader 5 terminal. Launch HedgeTerminal on the chart and press Yes in the appeared window of the installation wizard to start installation HedgeTerminal in this case will install all the files required for its operation. In the next window if this appears, select the second option and press Yes In this case active positions won t appear when HedgeTerminal is launched and the information about previously executed orders will be transferred to the file automatically as there are no active positions requiring closure. The simplest way to describe it is as follows close all positions before launching Hedge Terminal and then press Yes two times in the HedgeTerminal installation wizardplete pattern of the installation wizard is represented on the diagram below It will help to answer the questions and perform installation correctly. Fig 12 Installation wizard. What is the course of action if installation was not performed correctly or HedgeTerminal is required to be deleted from the computer In the case installation was incorrect, simply delete all installed files For that, go to the folder where programs for MetaTrader store shared information as a rule this is located at c Users yourusername AppData Roaming MetaQuotes Terminal Common Files If you want to delete information about the HedgeTerminal installation from all accounts, find the HedgeTerminal folder in this directory and delete it If you want to delete information about the HedgeTerminal installation only for a certain account, go to the HedgeTerminal Brokers directory and select the folder, containing the name of your broker and the account number that looking like Broker s name - account number Delete this folder Next ti me the installation wizard will launch again when HedgeTerminal is started on this account. Installation on the terminal connected to the account already working with HedgeTerminal It may happen that that HedgeTerminal is required to be installed on the terminal connected to the account where HedgeTerminal is already working As you already know, the installation process consists of creating and configuring system files If all these files are already created on another computer and properly configured, then there is no need to install HedgeTerminal As a rule, these files are stored at c Users yourusername AppData Roaming MetaQuotes Terminal Common Files HedgeTerminal Simply carry over this folder to the same place on your computer After copying the directory, launch HedgeTerminal again The installation wizard will not get called as all files are present and configured In this case active positions will be similar to the display on other terminals and computers. Installation of HedgeTermin alAPI and using the library in test mode HedgeTerminal is implemented both as a visual panel and a library of program functions - HedgeTerminalAPI The library contains a similar installation wizard called at the first launch of HedgeTerminalAPI in real time Installing files when using the library is similar At the first call of any function, the Expert will bring up a relevant MessageBox suggesting to start installation In that case the user has to do the same thing - close all positions before calling HedgeTerminalAPI and perform installation in three steps. It is not required to install HedgeTerminal when launching the library in test mode As in test mode the Expert starts every time working with a new virtual account, there is no need to hide previously executed order and install files The settings stored in the file , in the library can be defined grammatically through calling relevant functions.2 3 Getting Started with HedgeTerminal, First Launch. After HedgeTerminal has installed a ll the files required for its work, it will launch on the chart and display its panel. Fig 13 First launch of HedgeTerminal, appearance. As all existing orders are hidden, there are no displayed active positions The upper panel contains a button of the HedgeTerminal menu on the left hand side and dedicated icons displaying the state of the panel The buttons have the following functions.- Indicates that the panel demo version has been launched This does not support the trade on real accounts and displays positions only on the AUDCAD and VTBR symbols In this mode, the history of positions is also limited by the last 10 closed positions.- Indicates that positions in HedgeTerminal are not equal to the total net position in MetaTrader 5 This is not a critical error but it is required to be eliminated If the HedgeTerminal installation is correct, refer to the section of this article describing how to eliminate the mistake.- The icon signifies that trade is impossible Hover the mouse over this icon and find out from the pop-up tip what the matter is Possible reasons no connection with the server the Expert Advisor is prohibited to trade trading with Expert Advisors is not allowed in MetaTrader 5.- An icon indicating that the trade is permitted HedgeTerminal can perform any trade action. Now, when HedgeTerminal is launched and ready for work, carry out several trades and see how they are displayed If HedgeTerminal is launched on Forex, trading actions are to be executed on the AUDCAD symbol There should not be any open net positions as installation of HedgeTerminal could be successful only in that case If this is not the case for some reason, close all active positions. If HedgeTerminal is launched on an account connected to the Moscow Exchange, trading should be executed on one of the futures of the VTBR group, for example VTBR-13 15 or VTBR-06 15 As an illustration, buy 0 4 lot of AUDCAD by the current price through the standard window NewOrder In a few moments, the order and the deal that executed it will appear in the order history of the terminal. Fig 14 Historical order and its deal in MetaTrader 5.The active positions tab will contain a correspondent long position of 0 4 lot. Fig 15 Active net position in MetaTrader 5.At the same time, HedgeTerminal will display the historical order as an active position. Fig 16 Active bi-directional position in HedgeTerminal and its deal. As we can see, the results are the same, as one position in HedgeTerminal is correspondent to 1 net position in MetaTrader 5.Please pay attention that in addition to the order, the position in HedgeTerminal contains a deal that executed this position to see it, maximize the position string by pressing. A part of an active position can be hidden For that simply enter a new volume value in the field Vol Volume The new volume should be less than the current one The difference between the current and the new volumes will be covered by the new order that forms a historical position and is dis played in the correspondent tab of historical positions Enter the value of 0 2 in this field and then press Enter In some time the volume of the active position is going to be 0 2 and the historical positions tab will feature the first historical transaction with the volume of 0 2 lot 0 4 - 0 2 0 2.Fig 17 Historical bi-directional position in HedgeTerminal. In other words, we closed half of our active position Common financial result of the historical and active position will be identical to the result in the terminal. Now we are going to close the rest of the active position For that press the button of closing a position in HedgeTerminal. Fig 18 Close button of a bi-directional position in HedgeTerminal. After this button has been pressed, the remaining position must be closed by the opposite order and transferred to the historical position tab This way active positions both in MetaTrader 5 and in HedgeTerminal will be closed.2 4 Hedging and Calculation of Financial Operations. In this se ction we are going to describe methods of work with HedgeTerminal using several bi-directional positions as an example. So currently we do not have any active positions Open a new long position with the volume of 0 2 lot on AUDCAD For that it is enough to open the new order dialog window and place a correspondent order After the position has been opened, lock it by the opposite position - sell 0 2 lot through the MetaTrader 5 terminal. This time the trade result in HedgeTerminal and in the MetaTrader 5 terminal window are different HedgeTerminal displays two positions. Fig 19 Opposite bi-directional positions in HedgeTerminal lock. In MetaTrader 5 they are not present at all. Fig 20 Absence of an active net position in MetaTrader 5.Let us assess the result 4 deals have been executed They are in the red frame on the screenshot below. Fig 21 Result of executed deals in MetaTrader 5.Put these deals in a table. Table 2 Displaying positions in HedgeTerminal. The difference between them is 0 34 21,2 8 - 20,92 which is exactly the same as the result obtained in net trading.2 5 One Click Trading. HedgeTerminal employs a peculiar management system This is based on the direct entry of the required values to the active position field There is no alternative management. For instance, to place StopLoss for an active position, simply enter the required value in the StopLoss field and then press Enter. Fig 23 Entry of the StopLoss level directly to the table. Similarly, this way a trader can modify the volume, place TakeProfit or modify its level, change the initial comment. In general, the position line in HedgeTerminal is similar to the position display in MetaTrader 4 5 The columns of the table with positions have identical names and values used in the MetaTrader terminals There are differences too So, a position in HedgeTerminal has two comments whereas in MetaTrader a position has only one comment This means that a position in HedgeTerminal is formed by two orders and each of them has its own comment field As HedgeTerminal does not use these comments for storing technical information, it is possible to create a position with an opening and closing comment. HedgeTerminal features an opportunity to add columns that are not displayed by default For example, a column reflecting the name of the Expert Advisor that opened the position The section dedicated to configuring the file describes the way to do it.2 6 Placing StopLoss and TakeProfit, Trailing Stop. HedgeTerminal allows to close positions by the StopLoss or TakeProfit levels. To see how it happens, introduce the StopLoss and TakeProfit levels in the active position and then wait till one of those levels triggers In our case TakeProfit triggered It closed the position and moved it to the list of historical transactions. Fig 24 Historical bi-directional position and its StopLoss and TakeProfit levels. The green mark in the TakeProfit level indicates that TakeProfit triggered and the position was closed by that level In addit ion to TakeProfit, a position contains information about the StopLoss level which was also used when the position was active Similarly, if the StopLoss level triggered, then the StopLoss cell would be highlighted pink and TakeProfit would not be colored. HedgeTerminal supports TrailingStop and future versions will allow to write a specific custom module containing the logic of carrying over the StopLoss Currently the work with Trailing Stop in HedgeTerminal is different from the same Trailing Stop in the MetaTrader terminal To enable it, it is required to enter the StopLoss level in the StopLoss cell of the correspondent position When StopLoss is placed, following the price option can be flagged in the cell marked with a sign. Fig 25 Placing Trailing Stop in HedgeTerminal. After flagging, HedgeTerminal fixes the distance between the current price and the StopLoss level If it increases, StopLoss will follow the price so the distance stays the same Trailing Stop works only when HedgeTermina l is working and gets cleared upon the exit. In HedgeTerminal, StopLoss is implemented with the BuyStop and SellStop orders Every time a StopLoss is placed, a correspondent order with a magic number connected with the active position is placed too If this pending order gets deleted in the MetaTrader terminal, then the StopLoss level in HedgeTerminal will disappear Changing the price of the pending order will trigger the change of the StopLoss in HedgeTerminal. TakeProfit works a little differently This is virtual and it hides its trigger level from the broker It means that HedgeTerminal closes a position by TakeProfit autonomously Therefore, if you want your TakeProfit to trigger, you need to keep your HedgeTerminal in a working order.2 7 Report Generation. HedgeTerminal allows to save the information about its bi-directional positions to designated files, which can be loaded to third party statistical programs of analysis, for instance to Microsoft Excel. Since HedgeTerminal currently doe s not have a system of analysis and statistics gathering, this feature is especially important At the moment, only one format of report saving is supported - CSV Comma-Separated Values Let us see how this works To save the bi-directional positions in the CSV file, select the Save CSV Report option in the menu after launching HedgeTerminal. Fig 26 Saving a report through the Save CSV Report menu. After selecting those points in the menu, HedgeTerminal will generate two files in the CSV format One of them will comprise the information about active positions and another one about historical, completed ones The reason why two different files are generated is because each of them has a different set of columns Besides, the number of active positions can constantly vary, therefore it is more convenient to analyze them separately The generated files are available by the relative path HedgeTerminal Brokers Broker s name - account number There must be two files at the end and The first one contai ns information about historical positions and the second one about active positions. The files can be loaded into the statistical programs for analysis Let us look at this procedure using Microsoft Excel as an example Launch this program and select Data -- From the text In the appeared data export wizard select the mode with separators In the following window, select semicolon as the separator Press Next In the following window change the general format of floating point number representation To do that press Details In the appeared window select the period character as a separator of the integer and fractional parts. Fig 27 Export the CSV report to Microsoft Excel. Press , and then Finish The appeared table will contain information about active positions. Fig 28 Information about active positions exported to Excel. Data on historical positions can be loaded in the next sheet the same way The number of columns will be correspondent to the factual number of columns in HedgeTerminal If one o f the columns gets deleted from the HedgeTerminal panel, it will not be included into the report This is a convenient way to form a report based only on the required data. Later versions of the program will allow to save a report in the XML and HTML formats Added to that, a report saved in HTML will be similar to a standard HTML report in MetaTrader 5, though it will consist of completed bi-directional positions.2 8 Currency Swap Presentation. Currency swap is a combination of two bi-directional conversion deals for the same sum with different valuation dates. In simple words, swap is a derivative operation on accruing the difference of the interest rates paid for holding two currencies forming a net position. There is no history of net positions in MetaTrader 5 There are historical orders and deals that formed and closed historical net positions instead As there are no historical positions, the swap is assigned to the order that closes a historical position. Fig 29 Currency swap as an inde pendent transaction. It would be more accurate to present the swap as an independent derivative operation appearing as a result of a net position prolongation. The current version of HedgeTerminal does not support swap representation though the later versions will feature such an option There a swap will be shown as a separate historical position in the historical position tab The swap identifier will be correspondent to the identifier of the net position that it was accrued on The swap will include the name of the currency pair and its financial result. Similar to MetaTrader, HedgeTerminal displays the final row with common characteristics for the whole account in the table of deals For the table of active and historical positions these characteristics and their values are listed below. Balance Total balance Equal to the similar value Profit in the window of active positions in MetaTrader This does not take into account the floating profit or loss from open positions Floating P L Floating profit loss This is equal to the sum of the profit of all currently active positions Margin Contains a share of pledge funds from the account balance in percent Can vary from 0 to 100 Indicates a degree of the load on deposit Total P L Contains a sum of all profits and losses for closed positions Pos - Displays the number of historical positions. For correct display of the bottom row, it is required to add the Arial Rounded MT Bold font to the system.2 10 Changing the Appearance of HedgeTerminal Tables. As mentioned before, HedgeTerminal has only one explicit parameter in the window of the Expert launch This is the name if the settings file This is so because the HedgeTerminal settings cannot be placed in the window of the Expert settings There are many of them and they are too specific for such a window That is why all settings are placed to the designated configuration file For every launched version of HedgeTerminal, there can be its own settings file That gives an opportunity to con figure every launched version of HedgeTerminal individually. HedgeTerminal currently does not allow editing this file through the visual windows of settings Therefore, the only way to change the behavior of HedgeTerminal is to edit the file manually The settings file is configured in the optimal way by default and therefore most of the time there is no need to edit the content There may be situations when such editing may be required Such editing is necessary for fine tuning and customizing the panel appearance For instance, when a file has been edited, unnecessary columns can be deleted or, on the contrary, the columns not displayed by default can be added. Let us see the content of this file and see how to customize it To do that, find this file in the directory where HedgeTerminal has installed its files This directory, as was mentioned before, can be located at the address c Users your user name AppData Roaming MetaQuotes Terminal Common Files HedgeTerminal The file should be located inside Open it with the help of any text editor. This file contains a special document written in the xml markup language describing the behavior and the appearance of HedgeTerminal. The main thing to do before the start of editing is to create a backup copy in case the file gets accidentally corrupted The file has a hierarchical structure and consists of several sections enclosed into each other The main section is called Hedge-Terminal-Settings and it contains two main subsections Show-Columns and Other-Settings As follows from their names, the first section adjusts the displayed columns and their conditional width and the second section has the settings for the panel itself and the HedgeTerminalAPI library. Changing the size and the name of columns Let us refer to the Show-Columns section and consider its structure Essentially, this section contains two sets of columns one for the table of active positions in the Active tab and the other one for the table of historical positions in th e History tab Every column in one of the sets looks like. The column must contain an identifier ID Symbol , name of the column Name Symbol and conditional width Width 70.The identifier contains a unique internal name of the column It prompts HedgeTerminal how to display this column and what value to place in it The identifier cannot be changed and it should be supported by HedgeTerminal. The name of the column defines what name the column will be displayed with in the table If the name is changed for another one, like Name Currency Pair then at the next launch of HedgeTerminal, the name of the column displaying the symbol will change. Fig 30 Change of the column names in the HedgeTerminal panel. This very property allows creating a localized version of the panel where the name of every column will be displayed in preferred language, for example in Russian. Fig 31 The HedgeTerminal panel localization. The next tag contains the conditional width of the column The thing is that a graphics engin e automatically aligns the table size with the width of the window where the panel is launched The wider the window is the wider each column It is impossible to set up the width of the column precisely but the proportions can be specified by setting up the basic width of the column The basic width is the width of the column in pixels when the width of the window is 1280 pixels. If your display is wider, then the factual size of the column is greater To see how uniform scaling works, set up the width of the Symbol column as 240 conditional pixels Width 240 Then save the file and reset the panel. Fig 32 The width of the Symbol column is set up for 240 pixels. The width of the column with symbols has increased significantly However, it should be noted that its width was gained at the expense of the width of other columns Entry ID and Entry Date. Other columns are now looking worse, last values do not fit in the allowed width The size of the columns should be changed carefully, finding the bes t size for each of them The standard settings have precise values for majority of displays and changing their size is normally not required. Deleting columns In addition to changing column sizes and their headers, the columns can be added or deleted too For example, let us try and delete the Symbol column from the list To do that, simply comment out the tag of the column in the file highlighted in yellow. In xml a specified tag -- content of the comment -- has a role of the comment The commented out column must be located in the tag After changes in the file have been saved and HedgeTerminal was relaunched, its set of columns for historical positions will change It won t contain a column displaying the symbol. Fig 33 Deleting the Symbol column from the table of active positions. Several columns can be deleted at once. Let us comment out all columns except the symbol name and the profit size and then relaunch HedgeTerminal on the chart. Fig 34 Deleting main columns from the HedgeTerminal pane l. As we can see, the HedgeTerminal table has significantly reduced One should be careful with deleting columns as in some cases they contain elements of position management In our case, the column that allows reversing positions and view their deals got deleted Even the Profit column from the table of active positions can be deleted This column, however, contains a button of closing position In this case a position won t get closed as the close button is missing. Adding columns and displaying the aliases of Experts Columns can be deleted by editing and added, if HedgeTerminal was programmed to work with them In the future, a user can create their own columns and calculate their own parameters Such columns can be connected via the interface of the external indicator iCustom and the manifest of interaction with extension modules, written in xml. Currently there is no such a functionality and only the columns supported by HedgeTerminal are available The only column supported by the panel bu t not displayed in the settings by default is the column that contains the Expert s magic number. Position can be open not only manually but also using a robot In this case, the identifier of the robot, which opened a position can be displayed for every position The commented out column tag including the Expert Advisor s number is already present in the settings file Let us uncomment it. Save the changes and relaunch the panel. Fig 35 Adding the Magic column to the HedgeTerminal table. As we can see on the picture above, a column called Magic appeared This is the identifier of the Expert Advisor that opened a position The position was opened manually and therefore the identifier is equal to zero A position opened by a robot as a rule contains an identifier different from zero In that case a correspondent magic number of the Expert will be displayed in the column. It is more convenient though to see the names of the Expert Advisors instead of their numbers HedgeTerminal has this option It ta kes the aliases names of the EAs taken from the file and displays them instead of the correspondent magic numbers. For instance, if you have an Expert called ExPro 1 1 and trading under the magic number 123847 it is enough to place the following tag in the file in the Expert-Aliases section. From now on, when your robot opens a new position, it will have its name. Fig 36 Displaying the name of the Expert in the column Magic. The number of robots and their names is not limited The only condition here is for their numbers to differ. Other settings of HedgeTerminal We have described all the settings of the visual panel the currently available The next section Other-Settings contains the settings defining internal work of the terminal Please note, that the program call library HedgeTerminalAPI uses these settings as default values The Expert Advisor, however, can change the current values of these settings using the special Set functions To get the values of those settings, the Expert only need s to call special Get functions We are going to describe tags with settings in more detail. Contains the value of extreme deviation from the required price in units of minimal price change So, for the pair EURUSD quoted to the fifth decimal place, it will be 0,0003 point For the RTS index future this value will be 300 points as the minimum step of the price changing is 10 points If the price deviation is greater, then the order to close or change the price will not be executed This is in place for protection from unfavorable slippage. This tag contains the value of the maximum permissible response from the server HedgeTerminal works in the asynchronous mode That means that HedgeTerminal sends a trading signal to the server without waiting to receive a response from the latter Instead, HedgeTerminal controls the sequence of events pointing at the fact that the order was placed successfully The event may not take place at all This is the reason why it is so important to set the wait timeou t period, during which HedgeTerminal will be waiting for the server response If there is no response during that time, the task will be cancelled, HedgeTerminal will unblock the position and carry on its work. The wait timeout period can be shortened or extended By default this is 180 seconds. It is important to understand that in real trading, this limitation is never reached Responses to trading signals come back quickly, the majority of them are executed within 150 200 milliseconds. More details about the work of HedgeTerminal and about the peculiarities of work in the asynchronous mode can be found in the third section of this article Under the Bonnet of HedgeTerminal. This tag sets up the frequency of the panel updates It contains the time in milliseconds between two consequent panel updates The less this value is, the higher the panel update frequency is and the more CP resources are used If your processor is not very powerful and it cannot cope with the update frequency of 200 milli seconds default value , you can increase it up to 500 or even to 1000 milliseconds by editing the tag. In this case the CP load will drop significantly Values less than 100 milliseconds are not recommended Increasing the update frequency, the CP load will increase nonlinearly It is important to understand that the update frequency defines discreteness of the terminal Some of its actions are defined by this timer and happen with a certain speed.2 11 Planned Yet Unimplemented Features. HedgeTerminal has a flexible and nontrivial architecture due to which new nontrivial capabilities of this program become feasible Today these capabilities have not been implemented, though they may appear in the future if there is demand Below are the main ones. Using color schemes and skins HedgeTerminal uses its own graphics engine This is based on the graphic primitives like a rectangular label or a usual text Graphics based on pictures is not used at all This gives an opportunity to change the color, size and font of all the elements displayed in HedgeTerminal This way it is easy to create a description of fonts and the color scheme in the form of skin and load it at the launch of HedgeTerminal, changing its appearance. Connecting custom Trailing Stop modules Every Expert, and HedgeTerminal is essentially an Expert, can initiate a calculation of an arbitrary indicator through a specific program interface function iCustom It allows to call the indicator calculation, which depends on the set of arbitrary parameters Trailing Stop is an algorithm that places a new or keeps the old price level depending on the current price This algorithm and its price levels can be implemented as an indicator If the passed parameters are agreed on, HedgeTerminal can call such an indicator and calculate the required price level HedgeTerminal can take care of the mechanics of transferring the Trailing Stop This way, any HedgeTerminal user can write their own even the most unusual one module of managing Traili ng Stop. Adding new columns for the table of positions That includes the custom columns The HedgeTerminal tables are designed the way that they allow adding new columns Support of new columns can be programmed inside HedgeTerminal and implemented in a familiar way through the iCustom interface Every cell in the line of a position represents a parameter for example, opening price or Take Profit level This parameter can be calculated by an indicator and that means that an unlimited number of indicators can be written so each of them calculates some parameter for a position If passing parameters is coordinated for such indicators, it will become possible to add an unlimited number of custom columns to a table in HedgeTerminal. Connecting extension modules Other calculation algorithms can be calculated through the mechanism of the custom indicator call For example, the report system includes a lot of calculation parameters such as expected payoff and Sharpe ratio Many of those parameters can be received by moving their calculation block to the custom indicator. Copying deals, receiving and transmission of deals from other accounts HedgeTerminal is essentially a position manager This can easily be a base for a deal copier as the main functionality have already been implemented Such a copier will have nontrivial capabilities to copy bi-directional MetaTrader 4 positions to the MetaTrader 5 terminal The copier will display those positions as bi-directional like in MetaTrader 4 with a possibility to manage every position individually. Reports and statistics The Equity chart and the Summary tab The counting of bi-directional positions allows analyzing the contribution to the result of every strategy or trader Alongside with statistics, a portfolio analysis can be carried out This report can notably differ from the report in MetaTrader 5 and add to it In the Summary tab report, in addition to the generally accepted parameters like expected payoff, maximum drawdown, profit factor, etc, other parameters will be included too The names and the values of the latter can be obtained from the custom extension modules Instead of the familiar balance chart on a picture, the Equity chart in the form of a custom candlestick exchange chart can be used. Sorting columns Usually, when pressing on the table header, the rows get sorted in the ascending or descending order second pressing Current version of HedgeTerminal does not support this option as sorting is connected with the deal filter and the custom set of columns, which are not available at the moment Later versions will feature this option. Sending a trade report via email, ftp Push notifications HedgeTerminal can use the system functions to send emails, ftp files and even push notifications For instance it can form an html report once a day and send it to the list of users Since HedgeTerminal is a manager of Expert Advisors and it knows all trading actions of other EAs, it can notify users about trading actions of othe r Expert Advisors For instance, if one of the EAs opens a new position, HedgeTerminal can send a push notification informing users that a certain Expert entered a new position HedgeTerminal will also specify the direction of the entry, its date, time and volume The EA itself won t need to be configured, it will be enough to add its name into the alias file. Filtering positions with the regular expressions console This is the most powerful of the planned developments It will bring up the work of HedgeTerminal to a completely new level Regular expressions can be used for filtering historical and active positions so only those meeting the requirements of this filter are displayed Regular expressions can be combined and entered in a dedicated console above the table of active and historical positions This is how this console may look like in the future versions of HedgeTerminal. Fig 37 Request console in the future version of HedgeTerminal. Regular expressions can form very flexible condition s for filtering positions followed by statistic calculation on them For example, to display historical positions only by the AUDCAD symbol, it is enough to enter the AUDCAD symbol in the cell Symbol Conditions can be combined For example, positions by AUDCAD executed by a particular robot can be displayed for the period from 01 09 2014 till 01 10 2014 All you need to do for that is to enter conditions to the correspondent cells After the filter displays the results, the report from the Summary tab will change in accordance with the new filter conditions. Regular expressions will consist of a small number of simple operators However, used together, they will allow to create very flexible filters. The presence of the below operators is necessary and sufficient in console. Operator - Strict equality If the word AUDAD gets entered in the Symbol field, then all the symbols containing this substring, for example AUDCADm1 or AUDCAD1, will be found That means that an implicit insertion operator w ill be used Strict equality requires a complete match of the expression and therefore all symbols except AUDCAD will be excluded AUDCADm1 or EURUSD will be excluded. Operator - Displays only the values greater than the specified one. Operator - Displays only the values less than the specified one. Operator Logical negation Reflects only the values that are not equal to the specified one. Operator - Logical OR Allows specifying two or more conditions in one row at the same time At the same time, to meet the criterion, it is enough to fulfill at least one stipulation For instance, the expression 10106825 10106833 entered in the cell Entry Order of the expression console will show all positions with the incoming order identifier greater than 10106825 or equal to 10106833.Operator - Logical AND Allows to specify two or more conditions in one row at the same time and each of them has to be fulfilled The expression 10106825 10105939 entered in the cell Entry Order shows all positions with the in coming identifier greater than 10106825 or less than 10105939 Positions with identifiers between these two numbers, for example 10106320, will be filtered. Correcting and managing positions using special commands Additional symbols can be entered into the cells reflecting the volume or StopLoss and TakeProfit levels This makes a more complex position management possible For instance, to close a half of the current position volume, enter the value 50 correspondent to the active position in the Volume field. Instead of placing StopLoss and TakeProfit levels, a value, for example 1 , can be entered into those cells HedgeTerminal will automatically calculate the StopLoss and TakeProfit level so they will be placed at a distance of 1 from the entry price Numbers with the postfix p can be entered in these cells For instance, 200p will mean the order place the StopLoss and TakeProfit levels 200 points away from the position entry price In the future, if a minus is put before the volume in the c olumn Volume , the volume will close by the value specified after that sign For instance, if you have a position with the volume 1 0 and we want to close a part of the volume for example 0 3 , then it is enough to enter -0 3 in the volume cell. Chapter 3 Under the Bonnet of HedgeTerminal Specification and Principle of Operations.3 1 Global and Local Contours Context, Transfer and Storage of Information. The appearance of HedgeTerminal and trading process resemble the familiar MetaTrader 4 This is possible due to the virtualization and the transformation of data display, when trading information available through MetaTrader 5 gets displayed by the panel in a more convenient way This chapter describes the mechanisms that allow to create such virtualization and the mechanisms of group data processing. As you know, HedgeTerminal is represented in several different products The main of them are the visual panel and the library with program interface The latter allows implementing management of bi-directional positions in any external Expert Advisor and it also integrates it into the HedgeTerminal visual panel For example, an active position of an EA can be closed straight from the panel The Expert Advisor will get the information and process it accordingly. Apparently, such a structure requires a group interaction between the Expert Advisors The panel, which is essentially an Expert Advisor, must know about all trading actions that take place Conversely, every Expert Advisor using the HedgeTerminal library must know about trading actions executed manually by third party programs or using the HedgeTerminal panel. In general, the information about trading actions can be received from the trading environment For instance, when the user opens a new position, the number of orders changes The last order can tell what symbol the position was opened for and what volume it had The information about orders and deals is stored on the server That is why it is available for any terminal c onnected to the trading account This information can be called global as this is available for everyone and is distributed through the global channel of communication Communication with the trading server has the Request - response format. Therefore such communication can be presented as a global contour Contour is a concept from the graph theory In simple words, a contour is a closed line with a few nodes interacting with each other This definition may not be sufficient but we will leave the precision for mathematicians The important thing for us is to present the trading process as some closed sequence of actions. Not all the required information can be passed through the global contour A part of information cannot be passed as MetaTrader 5 does not support such passing besides this information does not exist explicitly The sequence of trading actions is. A trader places an order to buy. The order gets executed in some time. Trading environment changes The executed order gets into the lis t of historical orders The aggregate position of the symbol changes. The trader or an Expert Advisor detects the change in the trading environment and makes next decision. Some time passes between the first and the fourth actions It can be significant If only one trader trades on the account, they know what actions are taken and wait for the appropriate response from the server If there are a few traders or Expert Advisors trading on the account at the same time, there can be management errors. For example, the second trader can place an order to close an existing position in the time between the first and the fourth step Can you see a potential problem The second order is placed when the first one is being executed In other words, an order to close a position will be sent twice. This example seems to be far fetched and unlikely if the trader is trading on the account alone and manually and uses synchronous methods of placing orders When there are several robots trading on the account and executing independent trading operations, there is a high probability of such errors. As HedgeTerminal is a position manager, working in the asynchronous mode and ensuring simultaneous parallel work of a number of Experts, it can be very close to those mistakes To avoid this, HedgeTerminal synchronizes actions between all its launched copies no matter if this is the HedgeTerminalAPI library or the visual panel through the mechanism of the local contour implemented as a multi-threaded reading and changing of the file Interaction with the file is the core of the local contour, the most important part of HedgeTerminal This mechanism is described below. In a simplistic way, the work of HedgeTerminal goes down to the cooperation with a local and global contour like on the figure below. Fig 38 A simplified scheme of information exchange between the global and local contour. Any trading action the label start on the diagram in HedgeTerminal starts with writing of a special tag in which blocks fur ther changes of the position being modified. After the position block has been set and the local contour has been successfully passed, HedgeTerminal sends a trading order to the server For instance, a counter order to close the position In some time, the order gets executed and the trading environment gets changed HedgeTerminal processes this change and detects that the global contour is passed successfully and the order is executed It unblocks the position and returns to the initial state label finish on the diagram. There can be a situation when an order cannot be executed In this case HedgeTerminal also unblocks the position and makes a record about the reason of the failure in the log of the MetaTrader 5 terminal. In reality the pattern of the communication of information is more complex As we already mentioned, in one MetaTrader 5 terminal several HedgeTerminal copies can be running They can be the library or the visual panel Every copy can act as a listener and a writer When HedgeTe rminal performs a trading action, this is a writer because it blocks the position for changes using the records of the designated xml tag All other copies of HedgeTerminal are listeners as they are reading the file with a certain periodicity and block a position for changes having come across the blocking tag. This mechanism ensures spreading information between independent threads It facilitates parallel work between several panels and Experts using the HedgeTerminalAPI library. A realistic diagram, showing the work of HedgeTerminal in the conditions of multi-threaded cooperation. Fig 39 Near-natural pattern of the information exchange between copies of HedgeTerminal. The efficiency of such data organization is very high Operations on the reading and writing the file normally take less than 1 millisecond, whereas passing the global contour with sending and executing the order can take up to 150-200 milliseconds To see the difference between the scale of these values, take a look at the di agram. The width of the green rectangle shows the time of passing the local contour and the width of the blue one is the time of the trading order execution. Fig 40 Time scale of making a record to the file and the time required for the order execution. As you can see, the green rectangle looks more like a vertical line In reality the difference between scales is even greater. Quick operations of reading and recording can facilitate a complex data exchange between Experts and creating of distributed high frequency trading systems.3 2 Storing Global and Local Information. Conventionally, all trading information used by HedgeTerminal can be divided into two parts. Local information This is stored in the computer files and is passed exclusively through the local contour. Global information This information is stored on the trading server It is passed through the global contour and is available from any terminal connected to the account. Orders, deals and the information about the account belong t o global information This information is available through specific functions of MetaTrader 5, like HistoryOrderGetInteger or AccountInfoInteger HedgeTerminal mainly uses this information Due to that, HedgeTerminal displays the following data. Active and historical positions of HedgeTerminal. StopLoss of active and historical orders. Triggered TakeProfit levels of historical positions. Incoming comment of an active position, incoming and outgoing comments of historical positions. All other properties of active and historical positions not included into the list of local information. As all these properties are global, their display is unique for all copies of HedgeTerminal, running on different computers For example, if one bi-directional position gets closed in one of the terminals, this position will get closed in the other HedgeTerminal even if this is launched on another computer. In addition to the global data, HedgeTerminal uses local information in its work Local information is availab le only within one computer This information is the basis of the following properties. TakeProfit levels of active positions. TakeProfit levels of historical positions that did not trigger. Outgoing comment of an active position. Service flag, blocking a change of a bi-directional position. Take profit levels that did not trigger are stored in the file The rest of the local information is stored in the file. Local data storage means that if you place a TakeProfit, it will be visible only in the HedgeTerminal copies running on your computer No one except you will know this level.3 3 Stop Loss and Take Profit Levels Order System Issues and OCO Orders. In MetaTrader 5 as well as in MetaTrader 4, there is a concept of StopLoss and TakeProfit levels These are protective stops Similar to MetaTrader 4, they close a position in the case when it reaches the certain level of loss StopLoss or profit TakeProfit In MetaTrader 4, though, such stops are active for each open order individually In MetaTrader 5 these stops work for the whole aggregate net position. The issue here is that a net position is not connected with bi-directional positions of Experts and particularly HedgeTerminal That means that regular StopLoss and TakeProfit levels cannot be used for bi-directional positions, however, these levels can be presented as separate pending orders If you have a long position open, then two pending orders will emulate the work of TakeProfit and StopLoss respectively One of them is SellLimit placed above the opening price of this position and another one is SellStop placed below this price. In fact, if the price after opening reaches SellLimit of the order, this order will close the position with profit and if the price reaches the SellStop order, it will close the position with a loss The only drawback is that after one order triggers, the second order will not stop existing and if the price then changes direction, the second order can trigger after the first one. As there is no position a t that point, triggering of the second order will open a new net position instead of closing the previous one. The figure below illustrates this problem on the example of using protective stops in a long position. Fig 41 Emulating StopLoss and TakeProfit using the orders SellStop and SellLimit. To avoid such inconsistency, in exchange trading the OCO orders One Cancels the Other are used. These are two pending orders connected with each other so triggering of one order cancels the other In our example, after one order triggered, the second order is cancelled by the trading server and therefore new positions won t be opened and that is exactly what we are looking for The work of this type of orders is presented on the diagram below. Fig 42 OCO orders as StopLoss and TakeProfit. MetaTrader 5 does not support OCO orders As a bundle of three orders cannot be used, orders simultaneously acting as StopLoss and TakeProfit are not suitable A pair of two orders can be used So, it can be either StopLo ss or TakeProfit. In fact, if a pending order connected with the executed order initializing a new bi-directional position was placed for example StopLoss , then such a construction is safe There won t be a second pending order and it won t be able to open a new bi-directional position Factually, there will be only three scenarios. A pending order will be cancelled for some reason by a broker or a user. A pending order will trigger. A pending order won t trigger. There are no other scenarios If a pending order is cancelled, it will be equal to canceling StopLoss or TakeProfit If a pending order triggers, it will close the position If the order does not trigger, then a bi-directional position will stay active with a placed StopLoss. Even if HedgeTerminal is disabled when the pending order triggers, then later, when it launches, it will be able to process its triggering and understand that the position was closed by this order It is possible to work out if the position was closed by StopLoss o r TakeProfit if the field with the magic number contains special service information indicating whether the closing order is a regular order, TakeProfit or StopLoss The way the link and the service information are stored in the field with the magic number is explained in detail in the next section. Since two real protective stops cannot be used at the same time, a compromise was made when HedgeTerminal was designed. Bi-directional positions in HedgeTerminal are protected by the real orders of BuyStop and SellStop playing a role of StopLoss TakeProfit levels are virtual and supported at the level of HedgeTerminal copies run on one computer and unavailable at the global level. The StopLoss levels are chosen, as these levels are the ones required to have a high level of triggering reliability If TakeProfit does not work, it won t be catastrophic and the account won t be closed by margin call, whereas StopLoss that did not trigger can lead to the account bankruptcy. Nevertheless, there is an a lgorithmic opportunity to choose a way of trailing a position You can choose between a real StopLoss and virtual TakeProfit or a virtual StopLoss and a real TakeProfit The StopLoss and TakeProfit levels can also be virtual At the moment this feature has not been implemented but if it is in demand, it may appear. The virtualization of the TakeProfit level lowers its general reliability, though not significantly The TakeProfit levels are distributed locally and are available to every copy of HedgeTerminal It is sufficient to have at least one running copy of HedgeTerminal as an Expert Advisor that uses the library or the HedgeTerminal panel, for TakeProfit to be executed When there are several copies of HedgeTerminal running, only one of them will execute TakeProfit It will be the first one putting a blocking tag on the bi-directional position In this sense, instances of HedgeTerminal are competing against each other in the multi-thread mode of writing and reading of the data. For a user, trading manually through the HedgeTerminal panel or using the virtualization library in the EAs, work with TakeProfit does not differ from work with StopLoss All factual differences between these levels are hidden behind the scene of HedgeTerminal It is sufficient for the trader to enter TakeProfit and StopLoss These levels will be present simultaneously and have the same color indication warning about triggering of one of the levels.3 4 Can OCO Orders Resolve Issues with Protection of Bi-Directional Positions. OCO orders make it possible to use real StopLoss and TakeProfit levels simultaneously Are they really that versatile in organizing bi-directional trade Below are their characteristics We already know that OCO orders allow canceling one order when the other triggers. It seems that it will protect our bi-directional position from both sides as in that case Stop-Loss and Take-Profit can be real orders not requiring HedgeTerminal be running on the computer The thing is that in the exc hange order execution it is necessary to take into account partial order execution This property can destroy the business logic of the application Let us consider a simple example. A long position with the volume of 10 contracts gets open Two linked OCO orders implementing StopLoss and TakeProfit levels are placed. The SellLimit order gets partially executed when TakeProfit level gets reached 7 out of 10 contracts were closed by it and the remaining 3 stayed open as a long position. SellStop order, implementing StopLoss level, will be cancelled as the SellLimit order connected with it was executed though only partially. Position in three contracts does not have a protective stop any more. This scenario is presented on the figure below. Fig 43 Partial execution of protective stops. There may be an objection that OCO orders can be designed so they account for a partial execution and that will allow to avoid such clearing of protective stops Volumes of two OCO orders can be interconnected In thi s case partial execution will definitely be foreseen However, this will complicate complex enough logics of the order system used in net trading. The main issue here is that OCO orders cannot provide the same opportunities as MetaTrader 4, even accounting for partial execution For instance, placing a pending order with TakeProfit and StopLoss levels will be difficult The reason is that two interconnected orders cannot take into account triggering of the initiating order. To write a truly versatile algorithm allowing to manage positions similar to MetaTrader 4, OCO orders must have the following characteristics. Every linked order must adjust its volume depending on the execution degree of the order linked to it For instance, if TakeProfit executed 7 out of 10 contacts, the StopLoss linked to it must change its volume from 10 to 3 10 - 7 3.Each of the linked orders must take into account the volume of the initializing order execution In the case a trader places a pending order of the BuyLi mit type and protects it with StopLoss and TakeProfit in the form of orders, it does not necessarily mean that BuyLimit is guaranteed to execute the whole volume These cases must also be catered for by the paired orders. In addition to the condition for cancellation, a paired order must have an additional condition for triggering It can trigger only when an additional order connected with it triggers That means that an OCO order must have links to two orders The first link is to the order which triggering will activate the current order The second link is the order which triggering will cancel the current order Such a mechanism will allow to create a position with a pending initializing order. Such mechanisms, even if they appear, will be very complex for a user with limited experience Their suitability is doubtful Virtualization on the client s side, like the one currently used in HedgeTerminal, is easier to use. As an alternative to OCO orders, MetaQuotes could consider a possibility of introducing specific algorithmic TakeProfit and StopLoss levels ensuring protection of a certain trading order Surely, this is only a theory though it has rational kernel Such algorithmic levels can hide the major part of the implementation and configuration on the trading server side offering to the end users a simple ready-to-use protection mechanism. Summing up, our little discourse about the perspectives of integrating OCO orders in the MetaTrader 5 platform. OCO orders are not effective when orders are executed partially, they are not reliable enough and too complex for a regular user of the platform.3 5 Storing Links to Initializing Orders. This section considers a detailed description of the internal storage of the links to other orders and mechanism of binding between them As was mentioned before, the field Order Magic contains the identifier of the Expert Advisor that placed an order This means that any trader can enter any integer value in this field using the MQL5 programming language In such cases a collision is possible, when the order initializing a new position will contain the identifier of an Expert Advisor matching the identifier of an existing order In this case a wrong link to the order will appear. If a trader uses identifier for the EAs close to zeros, like 1 7 or 100 and the order numbers are significantly greater than those numbers, like 10002384732 these collisions can be avoided It would be rather naive to believe that traders will keep that in mind That is why HedgeTerminal stores links to orders in a special way so the probability of collisions is very low and its algorithms do not allow ambiguousness and eliminate collisions automatically if they appear. The Order Magic field storing the link takes 64 bit Due to its width, this field can take a very long number In reality, the working range of order identifiers is a lot smaller That allows Hedge Terminal to use higher digits of this field for its needs safely, forming a link to the order in a special way Let us refer to the scheme showing how HedgeTerminal stores a link to the initiating order. Fig 44 A pattern of storing a link to the initializing order in HedgeTerminal. The top digit of the field 63 is always marked as 1 This enables a very quick iteration over all orders Clearly, if the next digit is not equal to 1, then the order cannot contain a link to another order and it can be skipped Besides, assigning the value of 1 to the highest digit makes the magic number very large and that increases the distance between the working range of the order identifiers and the working range of the links in HedgeTerminal, which minimizes a probability of a collision. HedgeTerminal can fill the following three bits with service information Unlike the order identifier, HedgeTerminal stores order identifiers in this field inside out At first it fills higher digits and then smaller ones, which is pointed at by a blue arrow direction SI service information at Fig 44 This way of storage m akes the ranges of service information and order identifiers to meet half way If necessity arises, their composition can be changed The size of service information can be increased through the digits for storing the order identifier This information allows to identify the type of the closing order. The point is that active orders in MetaTrader 4 can be closed by TakeProfit or StopLoss These are certain price levels at which orders get closed with fixed profit or loss In MetaTrader 5, TakeProfit and StopLoss can be applied only to net positions and they are not suitable for paired orders Only ordinary pending orders can play a role of TakeProfit and StopLoss orders. In HedgeTerminal such orders are assigned special identifiers specifying whether this is a TakeProfit or StopLoss order As magic number is stored on the trading server, the service information becomes available for all the traders who have access to the trading account This way, even several HedgeTerminal copies running on dif ferent computers will have the information about the type of the triggered orders and will display the information on closed positions correctly. The referenced information about the order identifier is stored in the range from 0 to 59 digit This is stored in the standard direction, using digits from right to left, which is indicated by a blue arrow direction order id To evaluate the allocated storage size, let us calculate the amount required for storing the range of all orders sent to Moscow Exchange during a year. My broker s report dated 13 06 2013 contains an order with the 10 789 965 471 identifier This number uses 33 3297 bits log2 10 789 965 471 or 34 out of 64 digits The identifier of one of the orders placed by 25 09 2014 is 13 400 775 716 This number uses 33 6416 bits Although 2 6 billion orders were placed in one year and four months, the size of the identifier increased by only 0 31263 bit, which is less than even one order I do not claim that the Sun will die before the siz e of the order identifier will come to the 59th digit, but I am pretty confident that this will happen no earlier than in a couple of million years. HedgeTerminal does not store a link openly For that it encrypts the field OrderMagic, leaving the senior digit untouched The code of HedgeTerminal is based on the reversible rearrangement of digits implemented by the special encrypting function working on the variable length key After such an encryption, the service information and order identifier get mixed with each other and hidden under a special mask so that on the exit they represent an even distribution of ones and zeros The encryption takes place for two reasons First of all, the digit rearrangement decreases the probability of links and order identifiers overlapping and then it protects the internal algorithms of HedgeTerminal from the external deliberate or random impact. This procedure is absolutely safe, reversible and is not prone to collisions That warrants that irrespective to the actions a trader performs using the Expert Advisors, they do not affect the reliability of the internal HedgeTerminal algorithms This is very important as in a real situation managing these links is impossible without complex dedicated algorithms. At the same time, if we confine ourselves with only controlling the links, the failure of the business logic is inevitable The following sections will explain why as they are dedicated to the detailed description of these algorithms Encryption is also used to avoid this failure The reverse of the coin of this restriction is that there is no other way to manage the HedgeTerminal positions but to use this.3 6 Limitations at Work with HedgeTerminal. The peculiarity of the structure of link storage prompts that HedgeTerminal stores links to the orders evenly using numbers from 9223372036854775808 to 18446744073709551615 If a 64-digit field is represented as a number with the sign of the long type, then these will be negative values Here arise three limitations for work with HedgeTerminal. The first limitation concerns the trading robot, working with HedgeTerminal This is not strict and it can be treated as a recommendation. A trading robot or an Expert Advisor working with HedgeTerminal must have an identifier Expert s magic number not exceeding the value 9223372036854775808.In reality, usual Expert Advisors will never come across this restriction as identifiers exceeding 5-6 digits are used very seldom The most common identifier for an Expert is 12345 or something of the kind This restriction may be applicable for the robots storing service information like links to other orders in their magic numbers HedgeTerminal is not compatible with such Experts and cannot work in conjunction with them. If for some reason mentioned limit is exceeded, then appears a zero probability of collision The latter is very small as coincidence in such a range is very unlikely Even in this case HedgeTerminal will solve this collision using its algo rithms This will slow its work down as deciphering a link, comparing this link with the existing orders and analyzing this order for suitability for pairing with another order will take extra time So, to avoid this, it is better not to use long numbers with a negative sign. The second limitation is hard but it concerns only the broker and the exchange HedgeTerminal is going to be connected to. Order identifiers must use numbers from 0 to 2 59 or 576 460 752 303 423 488.This is obvious as only 59 digits are used for storing order identifiers instead of 64 If your broker uses order identifiers greater than this value, you cannot use Hedge Terminal in your work. The third limitation follows from the way of position representation. HedgeTerminal is not compatible with any other position management system This is not compatible with external trading panels featuring the function of closing positions and cannot be used together with them.3 7 Mechanism of Pairing Orders and Determinism of Actions. We have considered in detail position representation in HedgeTerminal and the structure of its links Not we are going to discuss the algorithm description that manage bound orders For instance, we have two orders chosen from a number of other orders and we have to link them If we do not rely on the rule that a link to the order must be unique and be possessed only by one order, all possible situations can be divided into three groups. The order is not referenced by any other orders. The order is referenced by one order. The order is referenced by two or more orders. The first group does not cause difficulties and such an order is considered an open position Things are very straight forward with the third group too as a pair of orders makes a closed position What can we do with the cases from the third group What if an order is referenced to by two other orders Which of them is supposed to be linked with the first one and what will happen to the second order It is easy to answer this quest ion if we present the process of pairing as a sequential one. We come across an order that does not contain a link to another order It gets transferred into the section of active orders positions and after that the iteration over orders continues. Then we come across another order that has a reference to the first order Then the referenced order is being searched in the section of the active orders If the referenced order is in this section, then it gets paired with the current order and they both get transferred to the section of complete transactions in the form of historical positions. During further iteration, we come across one more order that contains a link to the order described in point 1 Then the referenced order is being searched in the section of the active orders This time the search will be unsuccessful as the sought orders was carried over from this section to the section of completed transactions Since the order referenced to by the current order was not found, then the cu rrent order despite its link is an active order and is carried to the section with the active positions. Since the order identifiers are filled in a consistent manner and their list is sorted by time, then their sequential iteration can be performed So, the initializing order will be paired with the very first order containing a link to it irrespective to the number of other orders containing the same links All other orders containing links to the initializing order will be included in the list of active initiating positions. As we already mentioned, the algorithm executing such an iteration must be completely deterministic and consistent HedgeTerminal uses such an iteration algorithm in its work Factually, this is not simply an iteration but a repetition of all trading actions that have been performed from the moment of the first deal Effectively, at every launch HedgeTerminal consistently builds a chain of trading actions from the very beginning to the current moment Thanks to that, it s current position representation is the result of its retrospective trading at the moment of launch. Since the iteration over all orders in history is carried out sequentially, it is required to perform trading actions sequentially too That determines the way of the order execution in HedgeTerminal For instance, an active bi-directional HedgeTerminal position protected by StopLoss is required to be closed We know that such a bi-directional position essentially consists of two orders executed order initiating an active position and a pending order buy-stop or sell-stop, acting as a stop-loss order To close such a position, it is required to delete the pending order and close an active bi-directional position by a counter order with the same volume So, two trading actions have to be performed HedgeTerminal executes all trading orders in an asynchronously. This way orders can be executed simultaneously i e the first order can be placed to cancel the pending order and the second order to ex ecute the counter order, which will close your position This however will upset the determinism of actions and HedgeTerminal cannot perform that If for some reason, the pending order is not cancelled and the position does not get closed by the counter order, there will be ambiguity as position will be closed and its StopLoss will still exist In the end, the order that implements StopLoss can trigger and generate a new bi-directional position That should not happen That is why HedgeTerminal will cancel StopLoss and after successful cancellation will place a counter order There is a possibility that the counter order will not be executed or executed partially at the second step In that case though, ambiguity will be eliminated as even a partially executed counter order will close a part of the active position This is an ordinary situation. There is a more complex sequence of actions implemented by HedgeTerminal Let us use an example similar to the previous one but this time we shall close a part of the position That means that HedgeTerminal will have to carry out three actions. Delete the pending order that acted as the StopLoss order. Execute the counter order closing a part of the volume of a bi-directional position. Place a new StopLoss with a new volume protecting the remaining part of the active position. All these actions will be executed consistently to avoid disrupting the determinism of actions The natural thing to expect is the increase of the order execution speed due to the simultaneous order placement though in that case a sequential execution of trading operations cannot be guaranteed and ambiguities are possible A sequential order processing does not imply any ambiguity.3 8 Splitting and Connecting Deals - the Basis of the Order Arithmetics. A sequential order handling is not sufficient Here two things should be noted. One order can include several deals The number of those deals can be random. It is also important to take into account a partial order execution and a more common case when a volume of a closing order may be not equal to the volume of the initiating order. The order can be executed by several deals at the same time and it can be executed partially If you do not know why it can happen, please refer to the article dedicated to the description of the exchange pricing Principles of Exchange Pricing through the Example of Moscow Exchange s Derivatives Market The question Why can the volume of the closing order be not equal to the volume of the opening one requires an answer What can we do in this case. In fact, their volumes can be not equal if we presume an opportunity of a partial closure of an active position If we open an active position with the volume of 50 contracts and close a part of positions by the counter order with the volume of 20 contracts, then the active position will be split into two parts The first part will make a new historical position with the volume of 20 orders with the counter order and the second part will still open though its volume will decrease and will be 30 contracts. This algorithm of a partial position closure is implemented in HedgeTerminal If a new volume value is entered in the Volume field of HedgeTerminal panel, then a partial closure will take place In the History folder a new position will appear and the volume of the current position will be equal to the new value HedgeTerminal can process the situation even when the volume of the closing order is greater than the volume of the initiating one Such a situation can take place if HedgeTerminal for some reason places an incorrect volume of the closing order or the broker backhandedly cancels a several deals included into the initiating order, and that will change the executed volume for a smaller one. To take into account a potential difference in volumes, it is required to use a universal algorithm based on the calculation of the total volume of all deals related to the order In this case, it is deals, not orders that determi ne everything The volume of an order is the volume of its deals The price of an executed order is the average price of its deals. HedgeTerminal uses the algorithm that links orders with each other or divides them It is based on the addition and subtraction of the deals Its work is based on uniting the deals between the initializing and the closing order with the following formation of a historical position. To understand how this algorithm works, let us assume that there are two orders required to be paired to make a historical position Both orders have the same number of deals and their executed volume is the same Numbers of deals will be three digit for simplicity. Order 1 in order. Table 4 Order 2 and its deals. Let us put their deals with volumes together. Table 5 Putting orders together. Select two last orders from each column 294 and 921 In general they cannot be at the same level with each other like in this example. Select a deal with the least volume This is deal 294 with the volume 5 Divide the opposite deal 921 into two The first deal is equal to the volume of deal 294 5 contracts and the second deal contains the remaining volume of 1 contract 6 contracts 5 contracts 1 contract Unite deal 294 with the volume 5 with the first part of the volume 921 with the similar volume. Table 6 Subtraction of volumes. Transfer the united part to a new column containing the deals of the historic position. This is highlighted in green Leave the remaining part of the deal 921 with volume 1 in the initial column of active position This is highlighted in gray. Table 7 Split and carrying over deals. We have made the first step in uniting deals of two orders and carrying them over to historical position Let us reflect the sequence of actions in a brief form. Table 8 Split and carrying over deals Step 1.The volume of the deal 294 was carried over in full to the section of historical positions The deal was annihilated completely So the deal was split and carried over to the section of histori cal orders That is why at the following step we can proceed to the following deal 288 with volume 2 Deal 921 is still present and its volume is equal to the remaining second part of the deal At the following step this volume will interact with the volume of deal 288.At the second step repeat the procedure with deals 288 and 921 This time the remaining volume of deal 921 1 contract is united with the volume of deal 288 after getting to the column of historical orders The remaining volume of deal 288 is equal to 1 contract and will remain in the column of the active position. Table 9 Split and carrying over deals Steps 1-2.Repeat the same actions with deals 288 and 882.Table 10 Split and carrying over deals Steps 1-3.Execute steps IV and V the same way. Table 11 Split and carrying over deals Steps 1-5.After step V, the volume of the closing order will be absolutely the same as the volume of the opening order deals Deals carried over to the column of historical positions make a complete his torical transaction The remaining deals of the active position make an active position In this case there are no deals left in the column of the active position This means that after such a unity, the active position will cease to exist A new historical position will appear and will include all the deals of the active position. After deals were carried over, many of them will be split into parts and will occupy several lines To avoid that, an option on collecting deals can be added to the algorithm of uniting splitting of the deals Simply unite the volume of the deals with the same identifiers into. Table 12 Uniting deals in one level. After uniting, the number of deals and their volume completely match the initial deals and volumes This happens only because their volumes initially matched If their volumes were different, then after the procedure of uniting, the deals would have different volumes. This algorithm is universal as it does not require the same number of deals for the initiatin g and closing order There is another example based on this property we are going to look at. Table 13 Uniting orders with different number of deals. As we can see, uniting orders into one historical position was successful In spite of a different number of deals, their volume matched again. Now, imagine that the aggregate volume of the closing order 12 contracts is less than the volume of the deals of the initiating order 22 contracts How will uniting go in this case. Table 14 Uniting orders with different volumes. As we can see, at the second step, the volume of the deals of the closing order is equal to zero whereas the initiating order contains two more deals 321 with volume 4 and 344 with volume 6 There is an excess of the active order deals This excess will exist as an active bi-directional position There is, however, a new historical position with the deals carried over to the green column Its initial and exit volumes of 12 contracts matched again. In the case when the volume of the cl osing order is greater than the initiating, there is also an excess though this time it is on the side of the closing order. Table 15 Uniting orders with different volumes. As we can see, the initial order with volume 4 and closing order with volume 6 make two positions The first one is a historical position with volume 4 and deals 625 of the initial order and 719, 720 of the closing order The second position is an excess of pairing deals of these orders It contains deal 719 with volume 2 This deal and the order make an active position in the Active tab of the HedgeTerminal panel. Deals and orders can be divided by the algorithm into historical and active positions Volumes can be different The main thing is that the algorithm allows to bring together the volumes of the initiating and closing orders by forming a historical position with equal volumes of entry and exit It insures the impossibility of the situation when these volumes are not equal and therefore of the errors of position repr esentation causing an asymmetry of the position. Let us assume that in the first example the broker cancelled a deal included into the closing order. Table 16 Simulating of deleting a deal from the history. A new net position with volume of 6 contracts It will be equal to the volume of cancelled deals Let us see how the algorithm of Hedge Terminal will work in this case. Table 17 Restoring the representation integrity. As we can see, on step two there is an excess of 6 contracts 3 2 1 This excess will turn into an active position and thus the volume and direction of the bi-directional position is equal to that of the net position. Summing up, we can say that the algorithm of uniting deals guarantees the equality of the volumes of the initiating and closing orders in the historical positions due to excessive unbound deals This excess of deals makes an active bi-directional position, which makes the net position in MetaTrader 5 equal to the net position of all active positions in HedgeTerminal. This mechanism works both retrospectively and in the real time mode and that means that it will make the net positions in Hedge Terminal even with the net position in MetaTrader 5 irrespective to the broker s action on canceling trading actions The combinations on the change of a net position and deal cancellation can be as they do not cause an asymmetry between the net position of the terminal and the net position of HedgeTerminal. The mechanism of partial position closure is based on the capability of this algorithm to bring together different volumes This algorithm is one of the most important parts of HedgeTerminal ensuring its stable work as a self-adapting system with no setting required.3 9 Order and Deal Virtualization. Every order and deal in HedgeTerminal have a real prototype with a correspondent identifier Nevertheless, from the point of view of HedgeTerminal one order can make an active position and at the same time be a part of a historical one Deals and orders in MetaTrad er 5 are indivisible entities An order in the platform can be either pending or executed A deal also has a constant volume and is always an executed transaction. In HedgeTerminal same orders and deals can be present in different bi-directional positions The same deal or order in it can make an active and a historical position In other words, orders and deals in HedgeTerminal are divided into several virtual ones This data representation greatly differs from data representation in MetaTrader 5 However, this representation allows to be flexible and adapt to the retrospective changes of trading information and bring orders and deals together.3 10 Mechanism of Hiding Orders. We mentioned the mechanism of hiding orders in the section describing the installation of HedgeTerminal HedgeTerminal can ignore some orders For an order or a deal to stop existing for HedgeTerminal, it is enough to enter its identifier to the designated file. Let us assume that we have several executed sell or buy orders on one symbol The aggregate volume of sell orders is equal to the aggregate volume of buy orders This way, no matter how many orders we have, their total position is equal to zero If identifiers of these orders are not in the file, HedgeTerminal will display each of them as a bi-directional position Their total position though will be zero Therefore, if a net position in MetaTrader 5 is zero, then the contribution of this order set to the net position can be simply ignored. Now, let us assume that at the moment t we have a zero net position on the S symbol and a set of orders N executed on this symbol by this time As there is no position on this symbol, the total volume of the set of orders N is insignificant In fact, the number of orders and their volume are irrelevant as since there is no position, these orders do not contribute to the total net position This means that such orders can simply be ignored and there is no need to represent them as bi-directional positions. This is the ve ry mechanism that HedgeTerminal uses at the moment of its installation At the moment of installation t if there is no a net position, HedgeTerminal includes the set of orders N to the list of exception Their total volume and number are irrelevant as there is no net position If there is a net position at the moment of the HedgeTerminal installation, then it simply won t be installed until the net position is closed After the installation, new orders will change the state of the net position This state though will be synchronized with the net volume of the bi-directional positions in HedgeTerminal. Seemingly, we could get away without putting orders executed by the time of HedgeTerminal to the list of exceptions At the same time, it may happen that there are a lot of orders by the time of installation and from the point of view of HedgeTerminal all of them will become bi-directional positions and their total volume cab differ from the net volume in MetaTrader 5.The mechanism of hiding ord ers can be effective against corruption of the account history This is how it works Let us assume that there is some order history When HedgeTerminal is launched on this account, it will iterate all orders and will build bi-directional position based on them If all orders are available from the time of the opening and data about these orders are not corrupted, the net position of these orders will be correspondent to the net position in MetaTrader 5 Apparently, net position in HedgeTerminal will be equal to the sum of these orders This is illustrated on the diagram below. Fig 45 Diagram of integral history. A part of history can be missing or the information about orders be incorrect. It is not important if only one order is missing or several orders and it is irrelevant if information is missing in the beginning of the account history or in the middle Net position in HedgeTerminal running on such an account is equal to the net position of all available orders The net position of orders w ill not be equal to the factual net position of the terminal because of the missing part of the history This situation is presented on the diagram B. Fig 46 Partially corrupted history. To synchronize a net position in HedgeTerminal with the factual net position in MetaTrader 5, we do not need to know what orders disappeared or corrupted All we need is to calculate the difference between these net positions In the above example, a position to buy with the volume of 5 contracts is open in the MetaTrader 5 terminal In HedgeTerminal this will be correspondent to a long total position for 8 contracts The difference between these two positions will be 3 contracts to buy because 8 BUY 5 BUY 3 BUY. After the contract difference has been calculated, it is required to place a correspondent buy or sell order with the volume equal to the difference In our example it is required to place an order of buying 3 contracts When the order is executed, HedgeTerminal will display it in the tab of active posi tions and its total net position will increase by 3 contracts and will become equal to 11 contracts to buy. The position in MetaTrader 5 will also increase and will make 8 contracts The identifier of this order has to be entered in the list of and then the terminal has to be restarted So, if the identifier of our order is equal to 101162513, then the following tag is supposed to be written in the file. After restarting HedgeTerminal, this bi-directional position will disappear This way a net position in MetaTrader 5 will match a net position in HedgeTerminal and will make 5 contracts to buy The described sequence of actions is presented on the diagram below. Fig 47 Diagram of restoring data integrity. Financial result of the disappeared position will not be recorder in the HedgeTerminal statistics Unfortunately, hidden bi-directional positions do not take part in the trading statistics. In reality, a situation when a part of history is unavailable or corrupted is highly unlikely Such a mech anism must be in place though the majority of MetaTrader 5 users will never come across a situation when they need to use it After all a possibility of program errors of HedgeTerminal are not excluded Even in this case there should be a reliable instrument of resolving these errors.3 11 Adaptation Mechanisms. We have considered mechanisms allowing HedgeTerminal to represent bi-directional positions in the net environment of MetaTrader 5 There are three of these mechanisms. Sequential iteration of deals. Mechanism of splitting and bringing together deals. Mechanism of hiding orders. Each of these mechanisms is addressing their issues and allows to avoid ambiguities and errors at their levels Let us bring these problems and their solutions to the table The first column contains the problems and possible errors of binding and the second column the mechanisms that solve them. Problems, errors, ambiguities arising at the bi-directional trading organization. Mechanisms of error correction. Errors in the links to the opening orders Link collision Long magic numbers in Experts deleting orders from the history Errors of trading operation execution. Sequential iteration over orders Determinism of actions. Volume errors Matching orders with different volumes partial order execution deleting deals from history Covering a smaller volume with a greater one. Mechanism of splitting and matching deals. Installing HedgeTerminal on the account with a great number of executed orders Corrupted history Bugs of HedgeTerminal in the work with orders. Mechanism of hiding orders. Table 18 Possible errors and mechanisms of their elimination. All three mechanisms together with the system of storing links ensure stable data representation Essentially, these mechanisms cover all possible cases of unforeseen failures and guarantee matching of the net position in HedgeTerminal with the net position in MetaTrader 5.3 12 Performance and Memory Usage. HedgeTerminal is essentially an object oriented application Due t o the OOP principles underlying its architecture, the terminal has high efficiency and low requirements to the storage The only resource consuming task is extracting the history of orders and deals in the computer memory at the moment of launching the terminal on a chart. After all required transactions were extracted in the memory, the terminal will print a message informing about the time spent on this operation and also memory usage Launching the HedgeTerminal panel on the account containing more than 20,000 deals on the computer with the processor Intel i7 took less than 30 seconds and it required 118 Mb of RAM. The HedgeTerminalAPI library works even faster and takes a lot less memory as graphical representation of transactions is not required Below is the result of the launch on the same account. A simple calculation shows that extracting one position takes from 1 to 1 26 milliseconds depending on the program type Storing one transaction takes 22 156 deals 22237 orders 44 Mb 1 Kb of RAM Storing additional graphic representation of one transaction takes approximately 118 Mb 44 Mb 1024 22 156 deals 22237 orders 1 71 Kb of memory. The code profiling shows that the major part of the time is taken by the only block of the order analysis The major part of the latter is the system function call In the future versions this block is going to be optimized and that will allow to boost efficiency at the launch by 10-15.We have considered the key points in working with the visual panel HedgeTerminal It was an example of creating a new class of panels with a possibility of flexible configuration. Schemes and specifications gave an in-depth idea of the organization principles of bi-directional trading If you are creating your own virtualization libraries, the second chapter of this article will help you to design such a library. The character of the exchange execution requires to take into account the key points in the process of deal and order representation as bi-directional pos itions This article showed that such a representation was impossible without the virtualization of deals and orders Virtualization is a mechanism of breaking the volume of executed deals and cloning real orders so one order can be a part of several transactions. These manipulations with the trading environment are rather brave however the major part of the information required at the virtualization is stored on the trading server, such representation can be treated as reliable. Warning All rights to these materials are reserved by MQL5 Ltd Copying or reprinting of these materials in whole or in part is prohibited.

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